javascript Programming Glossary: setselectionrange
How to highlight a part part of an Input text field in HTML using Javascript or JQuery text box's selectionStart and selectionEnd properties or setSelectionRange method no idea why both exist . Live demo http textBoxId input.value Cup of tea input.setSelectionRange 0 3 Highlights Cup input.focus In older versions of IE 9 you'll..
set cursor to specific position on specific line in a textarea var currentPosition which is used in this method function setSelectionRange input selectionStart selectionEnd if input.setSelectionRange.. input selectionStart selectionEnd if input.setSelectionRange input.focus input.setSelectionRange selectionStart selectionEnd.. selectionEnd if input.setSelectionRange input.focus input.setSelectionRange selectionStart selectionEnd else if input.createTextRange var..
Trigger a keypress with jQuery…and specify which key was pressed of shooting it to the end of the string. You need to use setSelectionRange and createTextRange for IE . I've put together a little demo..
Programmatically selecting text in an input field on iOS devices (mobile Safari) iphone html safari ios share improve this question setSelectionRange 0 9999 https en DOM share..
Focus Input Box On Load from another SO answer . function placeCursorAtEnd if this.setSelectionRange Double the length because Opera is inconsistent about whether.. is one character or two. var len this.value.length 2 this.setSelectionRange len len else This might work for browsers without setSelectionRange.. len len else This might work for browsers without setSelectionRange support. this.value this.value if this.nodeName TEXTAREA This..
jQuery Set Cursor Position in Text Area .fn.setCursorPosition function pos if this .get 0 .setSelectionRange this .get 0 .setSelectionRange pos pos else if this .get 0 .createTextRange.. pos if this .get 0 .setSelectionRange this .get 0 .setSelectionRange pos pos else if this .get 0 .createTextRange var range this.. share improve this question I have two functions function setSelectionRange input selectionStart selectionEnd if input.setSelectionRange..
Programatically select text in a contenteditable HTML element? . You can even select a specific range with ipt.setSelectionRange from to . My question is is there any way to do this in a contenteditable.. subsequently running doesn't work and nor does setSelectionRange . I can't find anything on the web about it but maybe I'm searching..
Highlight text range using JavaScript getTextNodesIn children i return textNodes function setSelectionRange el start end if document.createRange window.getSelection var..
How do I shift the visible text in a narrow input element to see the cursor at the end? In Firefox Chrome Safari trying to use the input element's setSelectionRange sets the cursor in the right position but the text is not shifted.. var nLength objInput.value.length objInput.focus objInput.setSelectionRange nLength nLength script head body onload 'setCursor ' input.. id var elem document.getElementById id elem.focus elem.setSelectionRange elem.value.length elem.value.length Trigger a space keypress...