javascript Programming Glossary: scaley
Cross-browser way to flip html/image via Javascript/CSS? fliph IE filter fliph IE .flip vertical moz transform scaleY 1 webkit transform scaleY 1 o transform scaleY 1 transform scaleY.. IE .flip vertical moz transform scaleY 1 webkit transform scaleY 1 o transform scaleY 1 transform scaleY 1 ms filter flipv IE.. transform scaleY 1 webkit transform scaleY 1 o transform scaleY 1 transform scaleY 1 ms filter flipv IE filter flipv IE share..
Proper format for drawing polygon data in D3 667 scaleX d3.scale.linear .domain 30 30 .range 0 600 scaleY d3.scale.linear .domain 0 50 .range 500 0 poly x 0 y 25 x 8.5.. .append polygon .attr points function d return scaleX d.x scaleY d.y .join .attr stroke black .attr stroke width 2 I assume the.. function d return function d return scaleX d.x scaleY d.y .join .join .attr stroke black .attr stroke width 2 See..
How to send HTML <canvas> data to server #f55 overlayFill null stroke null strokeWidth 1 scaleX 1 scaleY 1 angle 0 flipX false flipY false opacity 1 selectable true..