javascript Programming Glossary: result.push
Why does this work in jsfiddle but not in my document localStorage.getItem result if result null result result.push id id icon text save the new result array localStorage.setItem.. localStorage.getItem result if result null result result.push id id icon text save the new result array localStorage.setItem..
Access / process (nested) objects, arrays or JSON prop in obj var value obj prop if typeof value 'object' result.push toArray value recursive call else result.push value return.. 'object' result.push toArray value recursive call else result.push value return result DEMO Helpers Since the structure of a complex..
Javascript - sort array based on another array items items.filter function item if found item 1 key result.push item found true return false else return true result.forEach..
Why RegExp with global flag in Javascript give wrong results? var query 'Foo B' var re new RegExp query 'gi' var result result.push re.test 'Foo Bar' result.push re.test 'Foo Bar' result will.. RegExp query 'gi' var result result.push re.test 'Foo Bar' result.push re.test 'Foo Bar' result will be true false javascript regex.. var query 'Foo B' var re new RegExp query 'gi' var result result.push re.test 'Foo Bar' alert re.lastIndex result.push re.test 'Foo..
Is there a way to print all methods of an object in javascript? var result for var id in obj try if typeof obj id function result.push id obj id .toString catch err result.push id inaccessible .. obj id function result.push id obj id .toString catch err result.push id inaccessible return result Using it alert getMethods document..
Simplest code for array intersection in javascript 0 b 0 a.shift else if a 0 b 0 b.shift else they're equal result.push a.shift b.shift return result Non destructive has to be a hair..
getElementsByTagName() equivalent for textNodes i var child current.childNodes i if child.nodeType 3 result.push child.nodeValue else findTextNodes child document.body Iterative.. node.nodeType 3 Fixed a bug here. Thanks @theazureshadow result.push node.nodeValue if node.hasChildNodes node node.firstChild..
Converting byte array to string in javascript string2Bin str var result for var i 0 i str.length i result.push str.charCodeAt i .toString 2 return result But by looking at.. string2Bin str var result for var i 0 i str.length i result.push str.charCodeAt i return result function bin2String array return..
How to post an array of complex objects with JSON, jQuery to ASP.NET MVC Controller? sections.each function i item var sid item .attr 'id' result.push 'SectionId' sid 'Placeholder' ph 'Position' i alert result.toString..
Selecting elements without jQuery
How are local variables referenced in closures? result for var i 0 i list.length i var item 'item' list i result.push function alert item ' ' list i return result function testList..