

javascript Programming Glossary: push

HTML5 WebSocket vs Long Polling vs AJAX


and at least delivering something. Both sides peers can push data to each other independently. While it can be used totally..

Is native PHP support for Web Sockets available?


Reading bytes from a JavaScript string


i ch str.charCodeAt i get char st set up stack do st.push ch 0xFF push byte to stack ch ch 8 shift value down by 1 byte.. i get char st set up stack do st.push ch 0xFF push byte to stack ch ch 8 shift value down by 1 byte while ch add..

Comet and jQuery [closed]


and jQuery closed I've done some research into server push with javascript and have found the general consensus to be that.. point javascript jquery design patterns comet server push share improve this question I wrote the plugin mentioned..

Tell bots apart from human visitors for stats?


or service that does that already. Bounty I thought I'd push this as a reference question on the topic. The best most original..

What are techniques to get around the IE file download security rules?


seems lame to me because it's an example of a please push this button for me interface ideally my own code should be able.. for me interface ideally my own code should be able to push the buutton when it's appropriate. A key thing that I don't..

Client notification, should I use an AJAX Push or Poll?


conversations on the topic it would appear that an AJAX push can result in higher server loads. Since I can tolerate longer.. longer server delays is it worth while to have the server push notifications or to simply poll. It is not much harder to implement.. or to simply poll. It is not much harder to implement the push scenario and so I thought I would see what the opinion was here...

Remove empty elements from an array in Javascript


1 2 3 3 4 4 5 6 test2.clean undefined Or you can simply push the existing elements into other array the example removes every.. Array for var i 0 i actual.length i if actual i newArray.push actual i return newArray cleanArray 1 2 3 3 4 4 5 6 share..

How can I force clients to refresh JavaScript files?


being said one issue we are running into is that after we push out an update with new JavaScript files the client browsers..

Appending to array


arrays append share improve this question Use the push function to append to an array initialize array var arr Hi Hello.. var arr Hi Hello Bonjour append new value to the array arr.push Hola display all values for var i 0 i arr.length i alert arr..

finding “line-breaks” in textarea that is word-wrapping ARABIC text


get ID of textarea and whenever there is word wrap it push new line break into the textarea. Run the function in the form..

How does GitHub change the URL but not the reload? [duplicate]


html share improve this question It uses the new push pop state functions in the history manipulation API . share..

Javascript implementation of WS-I Reliable Secure Profile


side implementation of Reliable Secure Profile for HTTP S push and want to know if there is a JavaScript client available...

Why is array.push sometimes faster than array[n] = value?


is array.push sometimes faster than array n value As a side result of testing.. a small function to compare the speed of using the array.push method vs direct addressing array n value . To my surprise the.. vs direct addressing array n value . To my surprise the push method often showed to be faster especially in Firefox and sometimes..

Appending to an object


message 'another message' And then to add one just use push alerts.push num 3 app 'helloagain_again' message 'yet another.. 'another message' And then to add one just use push alerts.push num 3 app 'helloagain_again' message 'yet another message' ..

Listening for Youtube Event in JavaScript or jQuery


if api_isReady func else onReady_funcs b_before unshift push func This function will be called when the API is fully loaded..

Is it possible to get the non-enumerable inherited property names of an object?


function prop if allProps.indexOf prop 1 allProps.push prop while curr Object.getPrototypeOf curr return allProps.. and got getAllProperties 1 2 3 0 1 2 length constructor push slice indexOf sort splice concat pop unshift shift join toString.. obj .forEach function prop if props.indexOf prop 1 props.push prop while obj Object.getPrototypeOf obj return props share..

Google Maps API v3: How to remove all markers?


i markersArray i .setMap null markersArray.length 0 III. Push markers in the 'markerArray' before calling the following markersArray.push..

Best server-side javascript servers [closed]


between each others APE project based on spidermonkey a Push engine to synchronize in live data between many visitor browsers..

Client notification, should I use an AJAX Push or Poll?


notification should I use an AJAX Push or Poll I am working on a simple notification service that.. for your help. EDIT I have looked into a simple AJAX Push and implemented a simple demo based on this article by Mike..

Retrieve specific hash tag's value from url


Reload the hash into the local object HashSearch.load Push the current key value set to the URL hash HashSearch.push Note..

Push notification to the client browser


notification to the client browser I'd like to create an application..

Why is ContentEditable removing ?œID??from div


alert MainContents document.getElementById MAINCONTENTS ' Push Me button div body html script type text javascript document.getElementById..

Javascript: Attach Event Listener to Array for Push() Event


Attach Event Listener to Array for Push Event Is there a way to know when a user has pushed via push..

HTTP-Push (Comet/Reverse Ajax)using Silverlight to Javascript bridge?


Push Comet Reverse Ajax using Silverlight to Javascript bridge Is..

export to excel in jquery or jqGrid


key Collect the data row.push prepareValueForCSV obj key Push each row to the main collection as csv string rows.push row.join..

How can I send value to Actionscript using Javascript


myVariable Number ExternalInterface.call getMyVariable 2 Push the variable into ActionScript Flash ExternalInterface.addCallback.. Flash ExternalInterface.addCallback pushVar varPushed var myVariable Number 0 function varPushed x Number void myVariable.. pushVar varPushed var myVariable Number 0 function varPushed x Number void myVariable x JavaScript var myVariable 3.14159..