

javascript Programming Glossary: pulls

How do I use Node.js clusters with my simple Express app?


with my simple Express app I built a simple app that pulls in data 50 items from a Redis DB and throws it up at localhost...

Want a javascript function to run every minute, but max 3 times


but max 3 times I have a ajax javascript method that pulls data from a page etc. I want this process to run on a timed..

Is it the last `script` element the currently running script?


it to just be positional. I created an example here that pulls in this script . One answer suggested that other scripts could..

Jquery Storing data feed as An Array


Storing data feed as An Array I found a function that pulls the Youtube video IDs from a youtube RSS feed but what i need..

Using javascript substring() to create a read more link


a read more link I'm developing a Classic ASP page that pulls some content from a database and creates a Read more link after..

AngularJs - cancel route change event


page with this even if the validation fails Angular pulls the next template and associated data and then immediately switches..

get iphone ID in web app


a link to a .mobileconfig XML file on your website This pulls up their provisioning settings on their phone offers them an..

XmlHttpRequest error: Origin null is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin


by Access Control Allow Origin I'm developing a page that pulls images from Flickr and Panoramio via jQuery's AJAX support...

Avoiding pollution of globals via iframe script loader?


for our iframe var w frames frameIndex callback function pulls the object into the current window when script loads w.cb function..

understanding the concept of javascript callbacks with node.js, especially in loops


functions sequentially. I basically have something that pulls some JSON from an API creates a new one and then does something..

QR code generation library in javascript


to get it to work I'm not interested in a solution that pulls the code from an online service kaywa google etc. . Update Well..

Yui compressor StringIndexOutOfBoundsException on jboss


need to exclude the yuicompressor version that tapestry pulls in dependency groupId org.apache.tapestry groupId artifactId..

SlickGrid AJAX data


of jQuery then eliminate the line in mygrid.html that pulls in jquery 1.4.3.min.js. In mygrid.html change the initialization..

Jquery Mobile - $.mobile.changepage not loading external .JS files


the first data role page element and its descendants and pulls that into the current dom. So any scripts in the head of the..

How does JavaScript handle AJAX responses in the background?


is another event in the queue to process. If there is it pulls it off the queue and triggers that event like a mouse click..

How to cancel an image load after a period of time?


cgi bin pullimg.cgi user encodeURI document.cookie which pulls a user specific resource. The cookies are stored in a protected..

Can javascript running inside an iframe affect the main page?


an iframe affect the main page Partial Code My below code pulls a query from my DB and then uses inner.HTML to display the data..