javascript Programming Glossary: proprietary
Do browsers parse javascript on every page load? that JScript does not allow you to persist or examine our proprietary bytecode . Also the bytecode is much higher level than the JVM..
Ajax - JSON doesnt get sent in PATCH only argument To fix this you may force jQuery to use old proprietary ActiveXObject xhr like .ajax url 'http 8001 api v1..
How can I scale an entire web page with CSS? not support Zoom bugzilla item here but you could use the proprietary moz transform property in Firefox 3.5 . So you could use div.zoomed..
How do you restrict the size of a file being uploaded with JavaScript (or Java) without transferring the entire file? out it was too large I would like to stay away from any proprietary controls or techniques like Flash or ActiveX if possible. Thanks..
Remember and Repopulate File Input IE' environments where all kinds of both custom code and proprietary 'controls' couldn't get the filename of files that were uploaded..
DOMNodeInserted equivalent in IE? a better way to simulate this event. Is there some sort of proprietary IE version of DOMNodeInserted Thanks. javascript internet explorer..
Prevent selection in HTML html selection share improve this question The proprietary variations of user select will work in most modern browsers..
How do you handle oncut, oncopy, and onpaste in jQuery? 'p' .trigger 'foobar2000' Neat eh Furthermore to work with proprietary custom DOM events in a cross browser compatible way you may..
document.all vs. document.getElementById share improve this question document.all is a proprietary Microsoft extension to the W3C standard. getElementById is standard..
iPad Web App: Detect Virtual Keyboard Using JavaScript in Safari? of any of the DOM elements and I have found no proprietary events or properties which indicate whether the keyboard is..
What are the typical reasons Javascript developed on Firefox fails on IE? [closed] and selectionEnd are not implemented in IE and there's a proprietary ranges system in its place see also How to get caret position.. to the days when id wasn't a w3c standard. document.all a proprietary IE specific property is significantly faster than document.getElementById.. Differences in the event handling model Both the proprietary IE model and the Firefox model support handling of events from..
Creating a collapsed range from a pixel position in FF/Webkit method as of this writing July 2010 The MS IE way with the proprietary textRange.moveToPoint x y . The Firefox way If the pixel position..
Creating a CSS class in jQuery This may or may not work in IE however you can use IE's proprietary addRule instead document.styleSheets 0 .addRule 'body' 'background..
API design and jQuery obsolete in a number of years and people hooked on the proprietary selectors will have a more difficult transition poor method..
How does one record audio from a Javascript based webapp? alone can not do this but I'm interested in the least proprietary method to augment my Javascript with. My targeted browsers are..
XSS - Which HTML Tags and Attributes can trigger Javascript Events? onSubmit onUnload Are there any other non default or proprietary event attributes that can trigger Javascript or VBScript etc.....
Why JS function name conflicts with element ID? objects . IOW you can write myForm.border which is the proprietary shorthand of the standards compliant W3C DOM Level 2 HTML but.. ' gt form that is the same as if you had written the half proprietary form gt name border onchange 'this.form.border this.value '..