javascript Programming Glossary: preg_quote
A regular expression that matches an arbitrary (user-provided) string [duplicate] in regular expression escape function analogous to PHP's preg_quote for example . Some people have taken it upon themselves to create..
Case insensitive string replacement in JavaScript? prepare the search string. In PHP e.g. there is a function preg_quote which replaces all regex chars in a string with their escaped.. versions. Here is such a function for javascript function preg_quote str http original by booeyOH improved.. bugfixed by Onno Marsman example 1 preg_quote 40 returns 1 ' 40' example 2 preg_quote RRRING Hello returns..
Highlight text as you type on textarea 'February' 'March' YOUR SEARCH TERMS GO HERE function preg_quote str return str '' .replace . ^ g 1 function doit var s myTextarea.value.. for i 0 i _terms.length i s s.replace new RegExp preg_quote _terms i 'gi' ' span class highlight ' _terms i ' span ' myOtherTextarea.innerHTML.. i ' span ' myOtherTextarea.innerHTML s.replace new RegExp preg_quote ' r' 'gi' ' br ' script div class textarea textareaBorder textarea..
List of all characters that should be escaped before put in to RegEx? question Take a look at PHP.JS's implementation of PHP's preg_quote function that should do what you need http functions.. that should do what you need http functions preg_quote 491 The special regular expression characters are . ^ share..