

javascript Programming Glossary: presentations

Why GWT? Advantages and Trade-Offs of Using This RIA Framework


you get to say ɡwɪt a lot this is a quote from one of the presentations on Google IO 2009 IIRC many more.. Take a look at the videos..

Basic framework for presentations using HTML5 + javascript


framework for presentations using HTML5 javascript Do you know a framework for making presentations.. using HTML5 javascript Do you know a framework for making presentations using only HTML5 and javascript technologies I'm not talking.. powerpoint or OOo presentation . Some requirements for the presentations made with this framework take advantage of the latest HTML5..

Why doesn't JavaScript support multithreading?


Where can I find Upshot.js examples and documentation?


and documentation Steve Sanderson gave a very interesting presentations at Techdays 2012 in the Netherlands. In one of them he presented..