

javascript Programming Glossary: platforms

Are there any standards for mobile device web browsers in terms of thread sleeping?


mode where the granularity of timers is reduced on such platforms user agents can slow timers down to fit this schedule instead..

Can you do Desktop Development using JavaScript?


web. Does anyone know if there are any JavaScript based platforms compilers for desktop development Most specifically Windows..

JavaScript. Solution to detect mobile browser [duplicate]


using regex but user agents are too various for different platforms. I doubt that match all possible devices would be easy and I..

JavaScript string newline character?


universal newline character sequence in Javascript for all platforms If not how do I determine the character for the current environment..

How can I get Gmail-like file uploads for my web app?


using HTML No page reloads necessary Works on all platforms browsers that has Flash support. Degrades gracefully to normal..

What are available solutions of a browser / mobile phone detection


I am creating a phonegap application for various mobile platforms and I was wondering what is a current best solution of browser..

Cross-browser development


versions Browsershots let's you view the page on different platforms as well Google let's you search for known and obscure IE perversions..

how validate file size using HTML and Javascript on client side


a fallback since the html5 file api has support on mobile platforms where SWFUpload cannot reach. The html5 file api is based on..

How do I load the contents of a text file into a javascript variable?


speaking though XMLHttpRequest isn't available on all platforms so some fudgery is done. Once again your best bet is to use..

What are the key differences between JavaScript and ActionScript 3?


Browser event when downloaded file is saved to disk


a successful download from an interrupted one. On other platforms I'm sure there are ways to tell whether the connection was lost..

Event Capturing vs Event Bubbling


bubbling is more popular because as stated there are some platforms that only support bubbling... and it sort of makes sense as..

Detecting if a browser is using Private Browsing mode


to set a unique cookie work for all browsers and platforms Anyone done this before thanks update http crypto.stanford.edu..

Invoke native date picker from web-app on iOS/Android


posibilities with running a native web app on different platforms using HTML5. Currently an input type date field just opens the..

Getting the closest string match


was a database of known gulf of Mexico oil rigs and platforms and people buying insurance would give us some badly typed out.. assets and we had to match it to the database of known platforms. When there was very little information given the best we could..

Best way to integrate Python and JavaScript?


actually done this and if there are solutions for other platforms especially CPython . javascript python share improve this..

“Single-page” JS websites and SEO


devices and other non standard computing internet enabled platforms both have a similar underlying philosophy semantically rich..

Disable Interpolation when Scaling a <canvas>


neighbor IE Sadly this wont work on all major HTML5 platforms yet Chrome in particular is lacking . Of course one could manually..

What javascript QR code reading libraries are available?


or a set of phonegap plugins for the camera enabled platforms that will read QR encoded data in an image. Progress So far..