

javascript Programming Glossary: pic_real_height

jQuery: how to access outside variable?


method from this answer. . Need to convert local varialbes pic_real_height and pic_real_width to global variables with returning their.. var img '.imgCon img' 0 Get my img elem var pic_real_width pic_real_height ' img ' .attr 'src' img .attr 'src' .load function pic_real_width.. img .attr 'src' .load function pic_real_width this.width pic_real_height this.height console.log pic_real_width 'x' pic_real_height ..

How to distinguish between left and right mouse click with jQuery


Get real image width and height with JavaScript in Safari/Chrome?


pic.removeAttr height var pic_real_width pic.width var pic_real_height pic.height But in Webkit browsers like Safari and Google Chrome.. example var img img 0 Get my img elem var pic_real_width pic_real_height img Make in memory copy of image to avoid css issues .attr src.. pic_real_width this.width Note this .width will not pic_real_height this.height work for in memory images. To avoid any affects..