javascript Programming Glossary: parentnode
jQuery/JavaScript: convert pixels to em in a easy way function px2em elem var W window D document if elem elem.parentNode.tagName.toLowerCase 'body' return false else var parentFontSize.. else var parentFontSize parseInt W.getComputedStyle elem.parentNode null .fontSize 10 elemFontSize parseInt W.getComputedStyle elem.. with IE without some adjustments. References Math.floor . parentNode . parseInt . tagName . toLowerCase . window.getComputedStyle..
Get height of visible portion of div examples case. I know I could just get the height of the parentNode but in production the inner div might not be a first child...
Why won't this JavaScript (using and document.write) work in Internet Explorer or Opera? open function open ownerDocument null parentElement null parentNode null plugins HTMLCollection preferredStylesheetSet null prefix..
Using JS how can I stop child Iframes from redirecting or at least prompt users about the redirect for i 0 i scripts length i current scripts item i current parentNode removeChild current output it to the dummy page. echo dd saveXML..
How can I determine if a dynamically-created DOM element has been added to the DOM? am currently using which work are as follows Traverse the parentNode property of the element back until I find the ultimate ancestor.. the element back until I find the ultimate ancestor i.e. parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.etc until parentNode is null If the ultimate.. back until I find the ultimate ancestor i.e. parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.etc until parentNode is null If the ultimate ancestor..
How to check in Javascript if one element is a child of another javascript dom share improve this question Using the parentNode property should work. It's also pretty safe from a cross browser.. to be one level deep you could check it simply if element2.parentNode element1 ... If the the child can be nested arbitrarily deep.. function isDescendant parent child var node child.parentNode while node null if node parent return true node node.parentNode..
apply style to range of text with javascript in uiwebview 1 containerElement containerElement.parentNode var treeWalker document.createTreeWalker containerElement NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT.. span span.className cssClass uniqueCssClass textNode.parentNode.insertBefore span textNode span.appendChild textNode return.. spans document.body.getElementsByClassName cssClass span parentNode Convert spans to an array to prevent live updating of the list..
window.event.srcElement doesn't work for firefox? parentElement is also IE only in most case changing it to parentNode would work. Assuming the parent node is also an element. I suggest..
getElementsByClassName not working to get all td elements. To hide the parent row use the parentNode property of the element elements i
What are some empirical technical reasons not to use jQuery? [closed] faster Yes. And of course everyone always checks the parentNode to catch when Blackberry 4.6 returns nodes that are no longer..
Javascript null or undefined The DOM methods getElementById nextSibling childNodes n parentNode and so on return null defined but having no value when the call..
jQuery asynchronous function call, no AJAX request to hide the indicator. I have the following 'form#filter' parentNode .submit function var form this var textField.. the following solution var indicator '#tagFilter_loading' parentNode indicator.hide var spans 'div#filterResults span' parentNode.. indicator.hide var spans 'div#filterResults span' parentNode var textField 'input#query' parentNode var timer undefined processor..
getting parent div of element (javascript) share improve this question You're looking for parentNode parentDiv pDoc.parentNode Handy References DOM2 Core specification.. question You're looking for parentNode parentDiv pDoc.parentNode Handy References DOM2 Core specification well supported by all..
JavaScript to make a fast-running image slideshow? have the rotator specific className to identify domElement.parentNode and obtain the containing div which will give me it's id . I.. div which will give me it's id . I would use the of the class rotation images to create an object with sets.. I just have to use this.rel to get it. var parent this.rel.parentNode Keeping track of the individual sets loaded. loaded