javascript Programming Glossary: parent.postmessage
Allowing a child Iframe to call a function on its parent window from a different domain API . For example in your child frame you might call parent.postMessage child frame And in the parent frame register a message handler..
Accessing iframe from chrome extension manifest file and use something like this if window top parent.postMessage fromExtension true ' ' addEventListener 'message' function event..
Changing parent window's URL from IFrame html server2 test2.htm html body script function clickit parent.postMessage 'redirect http' 'http server1' script p This..
Cross-Domain iframe communication to tell it the height of the iframe's body var target parent.postMessage parent parent.document.postMessage parent.document undefined..
How do you use window.postMessage across domains? 'A' script body html Note the use of top.postMessage or parent.postMessage not window.postMessage here The page A html head head body iframe..
Html5 - Cross Browser Iframe postmessage - child to parent? a simple form in child var text '.srchInput' .val window.parent.postMessage text http Should I be targeting the parent in..
Options-enabled content-script Chrome extension without background page? gimmeSettings.html's JS post the message with our settings parent.postMessage localStorage.getItem testing Options.html's JS localStorage.setItem..