javascript Programming Glossary: other
How do JavaScript closures work? question Whenever you see the function keyword within another function the inner function has access to variables in the outer.. me more Here the number x is a literal number. As with other literals in JavaScript when foo is called the number x is copied.. the number x is copied into foo as its argument x . On the other hand JavaScript always uses references when dealing with Objects...
Access / process (nested) objects, arrays or JSON are only two actually one data types which can contain other data types objects and arrays a special form of objects . Both.. textual representation of data just like XML YAML CSV and others. To work with such data it first has to be converted to JavaScript.. data structure is an array or object which refers to other arrays or objects i.e. its values are arrays or objects. Such..
event.preventDefault() vs. return false vs. return false When I want to prevent other event handlers from executing after a certain event is fired..
Reference: Why does the PHP (or other server side) code in my Javascript not work? Why does the PHP or other server side code in my Javascript not work Note This is a reference..
Why does jQuery or a DOM method such as `getElementById` not find the element? possible reasons for document.getElementById #id or any other DOM method jQuery selector not finding the elements javascript.. same applies to getElementsByTagName querySelector and any other DOM method that selects elements. Possible Reasons There are..
jQuery Mobile: document ready vs page events is the order of page events transition from one page to another How can I send data from one page to another and is it possible.. one page to another How can I send data from one page to another and is it possible to access a data from previous page javascript.. On some systems it may appear that it works fine but on others it may cause erratic difficult to repeat weirdness to occur...
How do I “think in AngularJS” if I have a jQuery background? all together with controllers. This was also mentioned in other answers and the only thing I would add pertains to testability.. I would add pertains to testability which I discuss in another section below. Dependency injection To help us out with separation.. you can declare components very freely and then from any other component just ask for an instance of it and it will be granted...
Prototypical inheritance - writing up [duplicate] That's why food.length is equal for both hamsters in other words they have the same stomach. From this I understand that..
var functionName = function() {} vs function functionName() {} can be done with one method that can't be done with the other javascript function syntax idioms share improve this question..
Does it matter which equals operator (== vs ===) I use in JavaScript comparisons? be faster and may return a different result than . In all other cases performance will be the same. To quote Douglas Crockford's.. types. For reference types and act consistently with one another except in a special case . var a 1 2 3 var b 1 2 3 var c x 1..
XmlHttpRequest error: Origin null is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin Flickr via .get they must have been doing while the other was to echo back the contents of the Origin header. However.. to perform a CORS request from a file URL. To clarify for other people here are the simple troubleshooting instructions If you're..
.prop() vs .attr() the same name exists usually updating one will update the other but this is not the case for certain attributes of inputs such..
Is Safari on iOS 6 caching $.ajax results? Control or Expires header fields. However the 303 See Other response can be used to direct the user agent to retrieve a..
What is the reason to use the 'new' keyword here? WeatherWidget WeatherWidget._super.apply this arguments Other people have implemented similar extensions. share improve this.. vs onClick http js events_advanced.html Other methods such as setting the HTML attributes ex button onclick..
ASP.NET postback with JavaScript Then Response.Write Do Something else End If Other Notes What if I don't know the ID of the control whose click..
Why does jQuery or a DOM method such as `getElementById` not find the element? will be available at the time the script is executed . Other solutions include listening to the load MDN or DOMContentLoaded..
How do I “think in AngularJS” if I have a jQuery background? of concerns and introduces far greater testability. Other answers mentioned this point so I'll just leave it at that...
How to detect page zoom level in all modern browsers? 2011 I know no way to get the zoom level in Opera anymore. Other Flash solution from Sebastian Unreliable listen to mouse events..
How to access PHP variables in JavaScript or jQuery rather than <?php echo $variable ?> simple ' var complex php echo json_encode complex script Other than that if you really want to interact between PHP and JavaScript..
JavaScript: How to detect that the Internet connection is offline? on our own domain we won't be able to tell the difference. Other cross domain techniques could be tried for example embedding..
How to close current tab in a browser window? false here to prevent the default behavior for the event. Otherwise the browser will attempt to go to that URL which it obviously..
How do I get started with Node.js biased and incomplete selection of useful Node modules Other JSApp.US like jsfiddle but for node.js Node with VJET JS for..
Fixing javascript Array functions in Internet Explorer (indexOf, forEach, etc) that this i i this return true return false Other ECMA262 5 methods not implemented here include Array reduce..
What are the common defenses against XSS? [closed] elements rather than inserting them in an ad hoc manner. Other types of escaping. You still however need to be careful to never..
Difference between single quotes and double quotes in Javascript [duplicate] attributes without having to escape them or vice versa. Other than that there is no difference. share improve this answer..
Escape string for use in Javascript regex [duplicate] should be escaped ^ . All of these should be escaped ^ . Other symbols ~` @# ... MAY be escaped without consequence but are..
Javascript global variables to the window object and only as far as I know to IE. Other browsers are fine with deleting window properties subject to..
JavaScript property access: dot notation vs. brackets? property access dot notation vs. brackets Other than the obvious fact that the first form could use a variable..
How to turn a String into a javascript function call? OP wanted. More full example Somewhere window.settings .. Other settings functionName 'clickedOnItem' .. More settings Later..
For each in an array. How to do that in JavaScript? definition of an array index in the specification §10.5 . Other numbers non integers negative numbers numbers greater than 2^32..