javascript Programming Glossary: overwriting
Understanding Crockford's Object.create shim been reading up on the Crockford shim for preventing the overwriting of prototypes and understand that it's not the end all be all..
Phonegap Plugin to convert Base64 String to a PNG image in Android dir.mkdirs File file new File dirName fileName Avoid overwriting a file if overwrite file.exists return new PluginResult PluginResult.Status.OK..
Difference of the value, prototype and property ¦]init.prototype But they also do two weird things overwriting the constructor property of the prototype object setting it..
Why can't I call a prototyped method in Javascript? Shape.prototype Strictly speaking you're not. You are overwriting the prototype property of the F function. To build a real inheritance..
What is the `constructor` property really used for? [duplicate] chain however we are encouraged to adjust it when overwriting the prototype property of a function for inheritance SubClass.prototype..
How to define method in javascript on Array.prototype and Object.prototype so that it doesn't appear in for in loop of it. An interesting but Mozilla only approach would be overwriting the behavior of enumerations on arrays via __iterate__ as demonstrated..
Next parameter is 'undefined' in jQuery, why? [duplicate] of variables because you are sure about the value of b overwriting the global undefined property works in old browsers undefined..
JavaScript 'hoisting' a that masks the global a The local a is set to 10 overwriting the function a The global a still 1 is alerted share improve..
JavaScript - controlling the insertion point for document.write is not XHTML. My problem is that the document.write is overwriting my own page. which is what it does once the DOM was loaded ...
Set cursor to specific position in CKEditor . Unfortunately this references may be violated by overwriting innerHTML moving DOM nodes around deleting DOM nodes. The same..
How to get around the jslint error 'Don't make functions within a loop.' within a loop.' for prop in newObject Check if we're overwriting an existing function if typeof newObject prop function typeof..
Question on this JavaScript Syntax (“What Does This Do?”) onto the new prototype for var name in prop Check if we're overwriting an existing function prototype name typeof prop name function..
Using HTML5 file uploads with AJAX and jQuery ' uploads '. serverFile 'w' Prepends timestamp to prevent overwriting fwrite fp data fclose fp returnData array serverFile serverFile..
Why does IE nuke window.ABC variables? that window.hiya does the same thing and initializes hiya overwriting window.hiya before executing any code. Possible solutions Keep..
JSON to javaScript array current code uses object twice as well as property thus overwriting those variables. You should use unique variable names in nested..
Access window.console after overwrite improve this question You can back up the console before overwriting it. var oldConsole window.console window.console log function..
How to remove all Click event handlers in Jquery the user clicks edit on 2 questions then instead of overwriting the previous click event handler it instead causes 2 event handlers..
Javascript: How dangerous is it, really, to assume undefined is not overwritten? is now readonly. If you're worried about external code overwriting undefined you can always do this var undefined 15 Haha I am..
Javascript: prototypal inheritance sets the constructor in the prototype. If you are overwriting the prototype so you have to set the constructor manually. Inheritance..
Accessing parent class in Backbone inside the inherited MyModel class instead of completely overwriting it as I am doing today. How could I do this Here's what my code..