

javascript Programming Glossary: mid

Javascript SetTimeout and Loops [duplicate]


instead of repeating with while loop Does it leave loop in mid I get image with 500px height and width but effect is not acheived...

How to detect page zoom level in all modern browsers?


function property unit a b maxIter epsilon var mid a b 2 if maxIter 0 b a epsilon return mid if mediaQueryMatches.. epsilon var mid a b 2 if maxIter 0 b a epsilon return mid if mediaQueryMatches property mid unit return mediaQueryBinarySearch.. 0 b a epsilon return mid if mediaQueryMatches property mid unit return mediaQueryBinarySearch property unit mid b maxIter..

Spreadsheet-like control for a web application? [closed]


and 'stable' enough in some eyes. I already finished a mid scale commercial web app based on the mixture and was pleased..

How to ajax-submit a form textarea input from CKEditor?


Formal way of getting closest values in array in Javascript, given a value and a sorted array?


function a x var lo 1 hi a.length while hi lo 1 var mid Math.round lo hi 2 if a mid x lo mid else hi mid if a lo x.. hi a.length while hi lo 1 var mid Math.round lo hi 2 if a mid x lo mid else hi mid if a lo x hi lo return a lo a hi Otherwise.. while hi lo 1 var mid Math.round lo hi 2 if a mid x lo mid else hi mid if a lo x hi lo return a lo a hi Otherwise just..

How to simulate magnifying glass on Web-page image (Javascript)?


the magnifying circle is split up in three div's top mid and bottom. The overflow for each div should be hidden. Each..

C++, C# and JavaScript on WinRT [closed]


or minimal effort so long as they work in IE10. .NET C# VB mid level statically typed with optional dynamic typing dynamic.. changes to run. C CX Visual C Component Extensions low mid level statically typed no GC refcounting only. Closest to the..

What is the performance of Objects/Arrays in JavaScript? (specifically for Google V8)


just deleting the attribute delete obj attr Unsurprisingly mid array Array.splice index 0 data is slow very slow. Surprisingly..

HTML5 Canvas: Calculating a x,y point when rotated


point 14 446 is the left top point point 226 496 is the mid point of the object when NOT rotated so the point left width.. point left width 2 top height 2 and the blue dot is the mid point when rotated. I know how to calulate the length of the..

Microsoft CDN for jQuery or Google CDN?


Embed xsl into an XML file


Function GetLocalizedDecimalPoint dim lDecPoint lDecPoint Mid CStr 1.1 2 1 GetLocalizedDecimalPoint lDecPoint End Function..

Getting the closest string match


0 j j Next j For j 1 To L2 For i 1 To L1 cost Abs StrComp Mid S1 i 1 Mid S2 j 1 vbTextCompare cI D i 1 j 1 cD D i j 1 1 cS.. j For j 1 To L2 For i 1 To L1 cost Abs StrComp Mid S1 i 1 Mid S2 j 1 vbTextCompare cI D i 1 j 1 cD D i j 1 1 cS D i 1 j 1.. 0 ElemStart 1 For N 1 To lText If InStr DelimChars Mid Text N 1 Then Arr Elements Mid Text ElemStart N ElemStart If..