

javascript Programming Glossary: mi

Javascript regex multiline flag doesn't work


in h1 tag. var pattern div class box content 5 . h1 ^ h1 mi m html.search pattern return m 1 I created a string to test..

JavaScript. Solution to detect mobile browser [duplicate]


fennec hiptop iemobile ip hone od iris kindle lge maemo midp mmp mobile. firefox netfront opera m ob in i palm os phone.. lynx m1 w m3ga m50 ma te ui xo mc 01 21 ca m cr me rc ri mi o8 oa ts mmef mo 01 02 bi de do t o v zz mt 50 p1 v mwbp mywa..

Sort an array by the “Levenshtein Distance” with best performance in Javascript


search term on key press code edited since first publish limitArr .grep imTheCallback function n return n.match searchy.toLowerCase.. function n return n.match searchy.toLowerCase modArr limitArr.sort levenshtein searchy.toLowerCase 50 if modArr 0 .substr.. Levenshtein Distance algorithm var levenshtein function min split Levenshtein Algorithm Revisited WebReflection try split..

Twitter Bootstrap button click to toggle expand/collapse text section above button


row div class span4 h2 Heading h2 p Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Fusce dapibus tellus ac cursus.. group h2 Heading h2 p class collapse Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Fusce dapibus tellus ac cursus..

Display DIV at Cursor Position in Textarea


DIV at Cursor Position in Textarea For a project of mine I would love to provide auto completion for a specific textarea... love to provide auto completion for a specific textarea. Similar to how intellisense omnicomplete works. For that however.. coordinates a gray background div . I also added a Randomize link so you can see it work in different font texarea sizes..

Get Locale Short Date Format using javascript


gsw FR dd MM yyyy co FR dd MM yyyy oc FR dd MM yyyy mi NZ dd MM yyyy ga IE dd MM yyyy se SE yyyy MM dd br FR dd MM..

How to either determine SVG text box width, or force line breaks after 'x' characters?


to either determine SVG text box width or force line breaks after 'x' characters.. box using the Raphael library and filling it with a dynamic string which is extracted from an XML document. Sometimes this.. canvas I am placing the text box on so I need to either limit the width of the box which will itself force the line breaks..

Increase font size with JavaScript around fixed floated images in CSS columns


viverra quis porttitor quis dui. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae Vivamus.. lobortis quis euismod sed consectetuer sit amet nunc. Nam mi. Fusce at nisl eu tortor bibendum eleifend. Sed ac metus. Phasellus.. viverra quis porttitor quis dui. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae Vivamus..

Highlight an individual word within a text block on hover


auctor non laoreet sit amet nisl. Donec euismod lorem ac mi dictum volutpat. Donec ligula mi varius ac auctor at sollicitudin.. Donec euismod lorem ac mi dictum volutpat. Donec ligula mi varius ac auctor at sollicitudin id elit. In auctor sodales..