javascript Programming Glossary: maxy
How to determine size of Raphael object after scaling & rotating it? x 0 posY this.attr y 0 maxX posX this.attr width 0 maxY posY this.attr height 0 m this.matrix x m.x posX posY m.x.. 0 m this.matrix x m.x posX posY m.x maxX posY m.x maxX maxY m.x posX maxY return Math.max.apply Math x Math.min.apply.. x m.x posX posY m.x maxX posY m.x maxX maxY m.x posX maxY return Math.max.apply Math x Math.min.apply Math x function..
Kineticjs dragBoundFunc for a rect in a rect white.getWidth orangeRect.getWidth var minY white.getY var maxY white.getY white.getHeight orangeRect.getHeight That way your.. if X minX X minX if X maxX X maxX if Y minY Y minY if Y maxY Y maxY return x X y Y Here ™s code and a Fiddle http minX X minX if X maxX X maxX if Y minY Y minY if Y maxY Y maxY return x X y Y Here ™s code and a Fiddle http m1erickson..
Google Maps v3 - limit viewable area and zoom level x c.lng y maxX strictBounds.getNorthEast .lng maxY strictBounds.getNorthEast .lat minX strictBounds.getSouthWest.. if x minX x minX if x maxX x maxX if y minY y minY if y maxY y maxY map.setCenter new google.maps.LatLng y x Limit the zoom.. minX x minX if x maxX x maxX if y minY y minY if y maxY y maxY map.setCenter new google.maps.LatLng y x Limit the zoom level..