javascript Programming Glossary: maxwidth
How can you find the height of text on an HTML canvas? ctx.mozDrawText ctx.fillText function textToDraw x y maxWidth ctx.translate x y ctx.mozTextStyle ctx.font ctx.mozDrawText..
Display DIV at Cursor Position in Textarea a 3960916 14651 function wordWrap oContext text maxWidth var aSplit text.split ' ' var aLines var sLine Split words.. oContext.measureText sWord .width if iItemWidth maxWidth var sContinuous '' var iWidth 0 while iWidth maxWidth .. maxWidth var sContinuous '' var iWidth 0 while iWidth maxWidth var sNextLetter sWord.substring 0 1 var iNextWidth oContext.measureText..
HTML5 Canvas Resize (Downscale) Image High Quality? function I have used function resizeCanvasImage img canvas maxWidth maxHeight var imgWidth img.width imgHeight img.height var ratio.. imgHeight img.height var ratio 1 ratio1 1 ratio2 1 ratio1 maxWidth imgWidth ratio2 maxHeight imgHeight Use the smallest ratio that.. Use the smallest ratio that the image best fit into the maxWidth x maxHeight box. if ratio1 ratio2 ratio ratio1 else ratio ratio2..
Resizing an image in an HTML5 canvas 2d img.onload function var ratio 1 if img.width maxWidth ratio maxWidth img.width else if img.height maxHeight ratio.. function var ratio 1 if img.width maxWidth ratio maxWidth img.width else if img.height maxHeight ratio maxHeight img.height..
How to resize images proportionally / keeping the aspect ratio? .ready function '.story small img' .each function var maxWidth 100 Max width for the image var maxHeight 100 Max height for.. Check if the current width is larger than the max if width maxWidth ratio maxWidth width get ratio for scaling image this .css width.. width is larger than the max if width maxWidth ratio maxWidth width get ratio for scaling image this .css width maxWidth Set..
Why is JavaScript prototyping?
jQuery min/max property from array of elements of an element. I usually do something like this var maxWidth 0 'img' .each function index if this .width maxWidth maxWidth.. var maxWidth 0 'img' .each function index if this .width maxWidth maxWidth this .width But it seems like you should be able to.. 0 'img' .each function index if this .width maxWidth maxWidth this .width But it seems like you should be able to do something..
Google Maps API v3: Custom styles for infowindow document.getElementById infobox1 disableAutoPan false maxWidth 150 pixelOffset new google.maps.Size 140 0 zIndex null boxStyle..
Is there a jQuery autogrow plugin for text fields? The plugin function .fn.autoGrowInput function o o .extend maxWidth 1000 minWidth 0 comfortZone 70 o this.filter 'input text' .each.. newWidth minWidth newWidth minWidth newWidth o.maxWidth Animate width if isValidWidthChange input.width newWidth..