javascript Programming Glossary: manifest_version
Chrome extension adding external javascript to current page's html the server. manifest.json name Website Safety version 1.0 manifest_version 2 description The Website Safety Extension. browser_action name.. relevant parts are shown name Website Safety version 1.0 manifest_version 2 description The Website Safety Extension. permissions tabs.. Minimum manifest file name Website Safety version 1.0 manifest_version 2 permissions tabs http https content_scripts matches all_urls..
Associate a custom user agent to a specific Google Chrome page/tab webRequestBlocking http background scripts background.js manifest_version 2 Documentation chrome.webRequest.onbeforeSendHeaders event..
popup window in Chrome extension passing manifest.json name Dialog tester version 1.0 manifest_version 2 background scripts background.js persistent false content_scripts..
Can a site invoke a browser extension? will become accessible to the main page. If you are using manifest_version 2 you'll need to include myapi.js in your manifest's list of..
Content-Security-Policy error in google chrome extension making content_scripts matches all_urls js background.js manifest_version 2 popup.html doctype html html head title My Awesome Popup title.. share improve this question One of the consequences of manifest_version 2 is that Content Security Policy is enabled by default. And..
Chrome Extension: Port error: Could not establish connection. Receiving end does not exist. and my manifest.json name InstantWatch Dev manifest_version 2 version 0.7 permissions tabs http https background scripts.. but since background_page isn't supported since manifest_version 2 I can't use that. javascript google chrome google chrome..
Creating dynamic context menu in Chrome Extension is failing js content_script.js background scripts background.js manifest_version 2 content_script.js function loadContextMenu var selection window.getSelection..
Call background function of Chrome extension from a site answer name Page to background and back again version 1 manifest_version 2 background scripts background.js content_scripts matches..
Web Page Source Annotation Tool 14244498 web page source annotation tool version 1 manifest_version 2 content_scripts matches all_urls js myscript.js all_frames.. 14244498 web page source annotation tool version 1 manifest_version 2 content_scripts matches all_urls css myscript.css js.. default_icon screen.png default_popup popup.html manifest_version 2 version 1 popup.html html head script src popup.js script..
Showing context menu buttons only when right-clicked on classes that start with “Story” Demo for http q 14829677 version 1 manifest_version 2 background scripts background.js content_scripts run_at document_idle..
Why will jQuery not load in Facebook? offset countPerGroup return groups More of manifest.json manifest_version 2 permissions http https tabs storage unlimitedStorage..
The Chrome extension popup is not working, click events are not handled name Facebook version 1.0 description My Facebook Profile manifest_version 2 browser_action default_icon google plus red 128.png default_popup..
Cross-domain XMLHttpRequest using background pages a manifest file to try out my demo name X domain test manifest_version 2 permissions http search content_scripts..
Building a Chrome Extension - Inject code in a page using a Content script .appendChild s When your extension's manifest specifies manifest_version 2 the injected script.js file has to be added to the web_accessible_resources..