

javascript Programming Glossary: manifest.json

Chrome extension adding external javascript to current page's html


can I post data from the current page back to the server. manifest.json name Website Safety version 1.0 manifest_version 2 description.. an auto update feature. Method 1 Fully local copy manifest.json only the relevant parts are shown name Website Safety version..

Associate a custom user agent to a specific Google Chrome page/tab


frames types main_frame sub_frame blocking requestHeaders manifest.json name WebRequest UA test version 1.0 permissions webRequest webRequestBlocking..

popup window in Chrome extension


this demo as well as a conventional way of message passing manifest.json name Dialog tester version 1.0 manifest_version 2 background..

Content-Security-Policy error in google chrome extension making


all links on a page in new tabs. Here are my code files manifest.json name A browser action which changes its icon when clicked. version..

Chrome Extension: Port error: Could not establish connection. Receiving end does not exist.


Script got the following Message response.message and my manifest.json name InstantWatch Dev manifest_version 2 version 0.7 permissions..

Creating dynamic context menu in Chrome Extension is failing


code not so simple because I am keeping the log messages manifest.json name Test version 0.1 permissions contextMenus content_scripts..

Call background function of Chrome extension from a site


is not complete without a manifest file so here's the manifest.json file which I used to test the answer name Page to background..

Web Page Source Annotation Tool


browser you can see DOM is also changed Code Reference manifest.json manifest file binds content script s and background page s to.. url chrome extension MSG_@@extension_id YOUR_ICON_NAME.png manifest.json Registering css and java script for annotation tool . name Annotation.. location. Sample Implementation on using pageCapture API manifest.json name Page Capture Demo description This demos Page Capture MHTML..

Why will jQuery not load in Facebook?


Method 1 required but fails Via the following code in the manifest.json file content_scripts matches all_urls js javascript.. group offset countPerGroup return groups More of manifest.json manifest_version 2 permissions http https tabs storage..

The Chrome extension popup is not working, click events are not handled


it should increment by 1 but its not happening. Here's manifest.json . name Facebook version 1.0 description My Facebook Profile..

Text selection and bubble overlay as Chrome extension


linear left top left bottom from #2e88c4 to #075698 manifest.json Change the matches portion to the domain you want to inject..

How to reference the version information in a Google Chrome extension?


version number of the extension which is specified in the manifest.json file version 1.2 How can I access the version number in javascript.. by using the following var url chrome.extension.getURL manifest.json var xhr new XMLHttpRequest xhr.onreadystatechange function e..

Invoking a Google Chrome extension from Javascript


extension and or visit the extension's directory. Edit the manifest.json file and add the necessary lines see here . Add an event event..

How to inject CSS into webpage through Chrome extension?


#000 important a color #777 important Here is my manifest.json update_url http clients2.google.com service update2 crx name..

How can I detect keyboard events in Gmail


code for your Content Script. The relevant parts of manifest.json content_scripts matches mail.google.com js contentscript.js.. to run the content script at run_at document_end in manifest.json Unique variable to make sure that we're not binding multiple..

Building a Chrome Extension - Inject code in a page using a Content script


player later i will try to make it compatible with html5 . manifest.json name MyExtension version 1.0 description Gotta catch Youtube..