javascript Programming Glossary: imo
create screenshot of webpage using html2canvas (unable to initialize properly) image Unfortunately the documentations is very limited IMO. http documentation.html . I do not..
JavaScript Ajax request vs jQuery $.ajax including an entire lib like jQuery for just 1 feature is IMO crazy. I don't even need the full functionality of the .ajax..
Memory leak risk in JavaScript closures snippets are not actual copy paste examples but provide IMO a good representation of how I'm using delegation closures and..
parseInt vs unary plus - when to use which evaluates to a 0 while parseInt evaluates it to NaN . IMO a blank string should be a NaN . '' 0 true isNaN parseInt ''..
What is the difference between Polymer elements and AngularJS directives? APIs in their own frameworks. ^ This is a huge win IMO. In a world where web developers have powerful tools Shadow..
How can I give control back (briefly) to the browser during intensive JavaScript processing? isn't usually that useful when iterating over things IMO. I am sure there are still things that could be done to make..
Benefits of prototypal inheritance over classical? Prototypal Inheritance is Simple CMS states in his answer IMO the major benefit of prototypal inheritance is its simplicity...
Architecture of a single-page JavaScript web application? MVC architecture of PureMVC JS is the most elegant IMO. I learned a lot from it. I also found Scalable JavaScript Application..
How to get the location (src) of a javascript file? about the async and defer attributes the only safe way IMO previously knowing the file name would be to inspect the script..
JavaScript detect an AJAX event I know there are other frameworks out there but IMO these 2 are the major ones. I might possibly QA MooTools but..
JavaScript variables declare outside or inside loop? do var i above and jslint will whinge at you for this. But IMO it's more maintainable to keep both var s keeping all the related..
JSLint Expected '===' and instead saw '==' javascript jslint share improve this question IMO blindly using without trying to understand how type conversion..
Image manipulation and texture mapping using HTML5 Canvas? for texture mapping is quite inaccurate on chrome and IMO it's impossible to get a pixel accurate result in general there.. see the results of my efforts here or as a video here ... IMO is surely impressing that this can be done in a browser without..
Recommended Vim plugins for JavaScript coding? [closed] or the community driven which is much better IMO with Vim using the Syntastic Vim plugin. See my other post for..
What advantages does using (function(window, document, undefined) { … })(window, document) confer? process having them as local variables can help although IMO the performance improvements may be negligible . Passing the..
API design and jQuery The distinction from properties should have been immediate IMO. .map key val but .map val key and the this values are different... standard selectors ought to have been kept out of Sizzle IMO. Javascript based selector engines should become obsolete in.. jQuery runs its own width and height methods instead. IMO the spec attributes should have been given priority especially..
Learning jQuery and Getting Better at Javascript I would recommend would be JQuery in Action its the best IMO and recently I found a link that makes the first chapter free..