javascript Programming Glossary: important
jQuery Mobile: document ready vs page events at a begging of every page transition and what is most important it will prevent page change before page transition can occur...
jQuery Mobile: Markup Enhancement of dynamically added content a little css trick #content padding 0 position absolute important top 40px important right 0 bottom 40px important left 0 important.. #content padding 0 position absolute important top 40px important right 0 bottom 40px important left 0 important And here's a.. absolute important top 40px important right 0 bottom 40px important left 0 important And here's a working example with Google maps..
How do I “think in AngularJS” if I have a jQuery background? of signifying intent that I mentioned before. But more importantly we had to manually reference and update a DOM node. And if.. And we never had to change the controller code But more importantly no matter where or how the log gets updated the view will.. is really part of section 3 on architecture but it's so important that I'm putting it as its own top level section. Out of all..
When is JavaScript's eval() not evil? input because that input could potentially be rm rf etc important file or worse. Again JavaScript in a browser doesn't have that.. you're careful not to allow a string like rm rf something important to be generated there's no code injection risk but please remember..
How do you determine equality for two JavaScript objects? expensive return c In this above case c is not really important to determine whether any two instances of MyClass are equal.. any two instances of MyClass are equal only a and b are important. In some case c might vary between instances and yet not be.. object may well be assigned a function that performs an important calculation and thereby makes this instance different from others..
Elements order in a “for (??in ??” loop 1 2 34 first second The technicalities of this are less important than the fact that this may change at any time. Do not rely..
How do I get the name of an object's type in JavaScript? very simplistic. Understanding where typeof is useful is important but I don't currently feel that it is terribly relevant to this..
Preloading images with jQuery preload images with JavaScript. I'm using jQuery if that's important. I saw this here http function complexLoad config..
What is JavaScript garbage collection? collection What is JavaScript garbage collection What's important for a web programmer to understand about JavaScript garbage.. developer site has some guidelines on the matter. Two important ones from there Use delete statements. Whenever you create an..
Upload files using input type=“file” field with .change() event not always firing in IE and Chrome this file using ajax. This is not important part here. Important part is that while I select the same file second time in the..
Application developers wanting to start web development? could eventually become really handy SQL for databases Important links XHTML Tutorial http html default.asp..
How does an anonymous function in JavaScript work? following is valid. var sum function mySum a b return a b Important point to note is that you can use 'mySum' only inside the mySum..
Microsoft CDN for jQuery or Google CDN? easier integration e.g. ScriptManager with ASP.Net 4.0 . Important Note If you're building an intranet application stay away from..
jQuery Mobile: Markup Enhancement of dynamically added content header content footer Enhance a single component widget Important The below enhancement methods are to be used only on current..
how to use iscroll javascript in phone gap? must be applied to the wrapper of the scrolling area. Important only the first child of the wrapper element will be scrolled...
How to shorten my conditional statements [duplicate] different cases if the index is what you're truly after . Important note Using the tilde shortcut seems to be swathed in controversy..
How does this JavaScript/JQuery Syntax work: (function( window, undefined ) { })(window)? on JavaScript Namespacing and another one called An Important Pair of Parens so I know some about what's going on here. But..
Calculate age in JavaScript alert age javascript age share improve this question Important This answer doesn't provide an 100 accurate answer it is off..
Difference between (function(){})(); and function(){}(); [duplicate]
json with google geocoding api of the jsonp data type in .ajax for more details. Important As of jQuery 1.4 if the JSON file contains a syntax error the..
How does paging in facebook javascript API works? pass it to FB.api . I used jQuery BBQ pluging for parsing. Important Note In the example I am using next URL because on the first..
garbage collection with node.js structure. They disappear when the context structure dies. Important thing to note here is that context variables from the same scope..
Using PUT/POST/DELETE with JSONP and jQuery the EXACT same domain as the page that fired the request Important Unlike cookies subdomains do not count It has to he the exact..
How to invoke a “Please Wait” window only if ajax takes more than X milliseconds to respond? up block in a zero timer but no deal. Any suggestions EDIT Important fact This is not an asynch ajax call. It's an unusual situation..
Can I load an entire HTML document into a document fragment in Internet Explorer? methods var charMap var s ents Short hand space Important Must be pre and postfixed by and . RE matches a whole tag function..
localStorage and 'file:' protocol not persistent, SQLite gives SECURITY_ERR 'mydatabase' var version '1.0' var displayName 'My Important Database' var maxSize 65536 in bytes var db openDatabase shortName..
Javascript: REGEX to change all relative Urls to Absolute s ents Short hand for common use var any ^ ' ^ ' ^' ' ^ ^ Important Must be pre and postfixed by and . This RE should match anything..
Stop a function from execute with Chrome extension of the Don't track me Google User script extension. Important note The window object in a Chrome contentscript cannot be accessed..
ie javascript form submit with file input Solution Hide the file input by positioning it offscreen. Important not to display none as some browsers won't like this. Add another..
Object comparison in JavaScript [duplicate] obj1 JSON.stringify obj2 The ORDER of the properties IS IMPORTANT so this method will return false for following objects x a 1..
How to block editing on certain part of content in CKEDITOR textarea? Enter the ID of the element that should have initial focus IMPORTANT IMPORTANT var starting_element_id cwjdsjcs_editable_id var resInitialRange.. ID of the element that should have initial focus IMPORTANT IMPORTANT var starting_element_id cwjdsjcs_editable_id var resInitialRange..
How to call Greasemonkey's GM_ functions from code that must run in the target page scope? var ytplayer document.getElementById movie_player IMPORTANT GM_functions will not work here. console.log getCurrentTime..
Can a website block a Chrome Extension? [duplicate] This technique will only work if You know the extensionid IMPORTANT at least one Ressource like the manifest.json some image script..
how to bind fancybox to dynamic added element? 0 'width' 640 'height' 320 'type' 'iframe' fancybox on IMPORTANT the example above won't work like that on Chrome. The workaround..
Track campaigns with Google Analytics without query string parameters? utm_campaignName campaignName pageTracker._trackPageview IMPORTANT This _setCampaignData method DOES NOT ACTUALLY EXIST. This is..