

javascript Programming Glossary: evt.target

Disabling links to stop double-clicks in JQuery


Windows.event is undefined -Javascript error in firefox


function Changecolor evt var srcEl evt.srcElement evt.target previousColor srcEl.style.backgroundColor srcEl.style.backgroundColor.. function RestoreColor evt var srcEl evt.srcElement evt.target srcEl.style.backgroundColor previousColor script asp Button..

What are the typical reasons Javascript developed on Firefox fails on IE? [closed]


default. Get the element which triggered the event Firefox evt.target IE evt.srcElement Getting the element the mouse cursor moved.. the mouse cursor moved away from evt.fromElement in IE is evt.target in Firefox if in an onmouseout event otherwise evt.relatedTarget.. in Firefox if in an onmouseout event otherwise evt.target Note evt.currentTarget the element to which the event was bound..

Jquery draggable with zoom problem


ui pointerY evt.pageY '#canvas' .offset .top zoom parseInt evt.target .css 'top' pointerX evt.pageX '#canvas' .offset .left zoom parseInt.. pointerX evt.pageX '#canvas' .offset .left zoom parseInt evt.target .css 'left' drag function evt ui var canvasTop '#canvas' .offset..

window.event.srcElement doesn't work for firefox?


this assign evt with the event object var current evt.target evt.srcElement this assign current with the event target do..

window.location.hash = “ ”; prevent scrolling to the top?


vertically document.onclick function evt var tgt evt evt.target event.srcElement scr document.body.scrollTop if tgt.tagName..

What is the Dojo equivalent to jQuery .live()?


eventName function evt var closest dojo.query evt.target .closest selector this if closest.length fn.call closest 0..

What substitute should we use for layerX/layerY since they are deprecated in webkit?


layerY from a click event function getOffset evt var el evt.target x y 0 while el isNaN el.offsetLeft isNaN el.offsetTop x el.offsetLeft..

Javascript IE Event


the event handler form.gen.onclick function evt var f evt.target.form var y f.year.value var m f.month.value genCalendar document.. standards compliant browsers and IE use var target evt evt.target window.event.srcElement There's an overview of the different..