

javascript Programming Glossary: event.srcelement

Mouseover event doesn't granulate on IE9 for sub elements, event doesn't start on IE8


e ... To find the target of the event you need to access event.srcElement instead of event.target . As rodneyrehm mentioned Array.indexOf..

How can I simulate a click to an anchor tag?


clicked' a id link href # onclick alert event.target event.srcElement .innerHTML Normal link a div button type button onclick fakeClick..

How can I prevent the backspace key from navigating back?


event var doPrevent false if event.keyCode 8 var d event.srcElement event.target if d.tagName.toUpperCase 'INPUT' d.type.toUpperCase..

Windows.event is undefined -Javascript error in firefox


previousColor function Changecolor previousColor window.event.srcElement.style.backgroundColor window.event.srcElement.style.backgroundColor.. window.event.srcElement.style.backgroundColor window.event.srcElement.style.backgroundColor Blue window.event.srcElement.style.cursor.. window.event.srcElement.style.backgroundColor Blue window.event.srcElement.style.cursor hand function RestoreColor window.event.srcElement.style.backgroundColor..

jQuery sortable obtain 2 elements being swapped


being dragged but not the one it is swapped with ui.item 0 event.srcElement event.toElement . Additionally this points to the LIST OL element...

I'm storing click coordinates in my db and then reloading them later and showing them on the site where the click happened, how do I make sure it loads in the same place?


IE hack var target 'target' in event event.target event.srcElement another IE hack var root document.compatMode 'CSS1Compat' document.documentElement..

Javascript: Multiple mouseout events triggered


window.event var target 'target' in event event.target event.srcElement if target this return ... The usual problem with mouseout is..

If you delete a DOM element, do any events that started with that element continue to bubble?


event var element event event window.event element event.srcElement event.target log Parent click DOM0 target id element.id function..

window.location.hash = “ ”; prevent scrolling to the top?


document.onclick function evt var tgt evt evt.target event.srcElement scr document.body.scrollTop if tgt.tagName A tgt.href.slice..

How can I make event.srcElement work in Firefox and what does it mean?


can I make event.srcElement work in Firefox and what does it mean there is an if statement.. that makes one web page imcompatible with firefox if event.srcElement.getAttribute onclick null ...code.. document.mainForm.submit.. and now its working with forefox. My question is what is event.srcElement.getAttribute onclick is it important would it cause problems..

Determine which element submitted a form from within onsubmit


which submit button was clicked I tried event.target event.srcElement but that gives the form not the actual submit button. Update..

event.target not working on Firefox


not working on Firefox var x event.target event.srcElement document.getElementById x.id .style.left 200 px document.getElementById.. and IE but not on firefox. Tried it on google. google says event.srcElement works on IE but not on firefox so i have added event.target.. false document.onmousemove null var x event.target event.srcElement document.getElementById x.id .style.left 200 px document.getElementById..

Internet Explorer and JavaScript event currentTarget


like target event.currentTarget event.currentTarget event.srcElement Although as @Marc mentioned you can use a JQuery framework that..