javascript Programming Glossary: e.stoppropagation
event.preventDefault() vs. return false effectively the same as calling both e.preventDefault and e.stopPropagation on the passed jQuery.Event object. e.preventDefault will prevent.. will prevent the default event from occuring e.stopPropagation will prevent the event from bubbling up and return false will..
How do I prevent a parent's onclick event from firing when a child anchor is clicked?
jQuery Mobile: document ready vs page events not transition from #index to #second ' e.preventDefault e.stopPropagation remove active status on a button if transition was triggered..
How can I prevent the backspace key from navigating back? For the record document .keydown function e if e.keyCode 8 e.stopPropagation does nothing. document .keydown function e if e.keyCode 8 e.preventDefault..
Variable in JavaScript callback functions always gets last value in loop? e.preventDefault else e.returnResult false if e.stopPropagation e.stopPropagation else e.cancelBubble true false But then I.. else e.returnResult false if e.stopPropagation e.stopPropagation else e.cancelBubble true false But then I tried to call it in.. e.preventDefault else e.returnResult false if e.stopPropagation e.stopPropagation else e.cancelBubble true false What am I doing..
Event on a click everywhere on the page outside of the specific div
Disabling the context menu on long taps on Android var e event window.event e.preventDefault e.preventDefault e.stopPropagation e.stopPropagation e.cancelBubble true e.returnValue false return.. e.preventDefault e.preventDefault e.stopPropagation e.stopPropagation e.cancelBubble true e.returnValue false return false function..
How to terminate the script in Javascript 'error' function e e.preventDefault e.stopPropagation false var handlers 'copy' 'cut' 'paste' 'beforeunload' 'blur'.. 'select' 'submit' 'unload' function stopPropagation e e.stopPropagation e.preventDefault Stop for the form controls etc. too for i 0..
iScroll 4 not working with form <select> element iPhone Safari and Android browser 'touchstart' 'mousedown' function e e.stopPropagation false That code will allow the default behavior to occur without..
Javascript Event Bubbling if e var e window.event e.cancelBubble true IE if e.stopPropagation e.stopPropagation other browsers More info http e window.event e.cancelBubble true IE if e.stopPropagation e.stopPropagation other browsers More info http js events_order.html.. if e var e window.event e.cancelBubble true IE if e.stopPropagation e.stopPropagation other browsers share improve this answer..
document.ontouchmove and scrolling on iOS 5 level. elementYouWantToScroll.ontouchmove function e e.stopPropagation Edit For anyone reading later the alternate answer does work..
How can I close a Twitter Bootstrap popover with a click from anywhere (else) on the page? itself '.popover' .off 'click' .on 'click' function e e.stopPropagation prevent event for bubbling up will not get caught with document.onclick.. will not get caught with document.onclick isVisible true e.stopPropagation document .on 'click' function e hideAllPopovers isVisible false..