javascript Programming Glossary: e.shiftkey
JavaScript or Jquery event handlers for “ctrl”/“shift” + mouse left button click on the part that matters selector .click function e if e.shiftKey Shift Click if e.ctrlKey Ctrl Click if e.altKey Alt Click Just..
How to make tinymce paste in plain text by default ed e if tinymce.isMac e.metaKey e.ctrlKey e.keyCode 86 e.shiftKey e.keyCode 45 ed.pasteAsPlainText true else ed.onPaste.addToTop..
How do you tell if caps lock is on using JavaScript? else if e.keyCode charCode e.keyCode var shifton false if e.shiftKey shifton e.shiftKey else if e.modifiers shifton e.modifiers 4.. charCode e.keyCode var shifton false if e.shiftKey shifton e.shiftKey else if e.modifiers shifton e.modifiers 4 if charCode 97 charCode..
JQuery or JavaScript: How determine if shift key being pressed while clicking anchor tag hyperlink? false function document .keypress function e shifted e.shiftKey alert 'shiftkey ' e.shiftkey document .keyup function e shifted..
jQuery key code for command key alert control The list of modifier keys e.ctrlKey e.altKey e.shiftKey And as fudgey suggested e.metaKey Might work on MAC. Some other..
Bind Multiple Keys to Keypress Event keyboards are wired . You can use the e.altKey e.ctrlKey e.shiftKey fields to check if the matching modifier key was pressed. Example..
Using e.keyCode || e.which; how to determine the differance between lowercase and uppercase?
How to catch enter keypress on textarea but not shift+enter? [duplicate] key was pressed. ...onkeyup function e if e.keyCode 13 if e.shiftKey true new line else run your function return false share..