javascript Programming Glossary: duplicates
Finding matches between multiple JavaScript Arrays but that just give me an array with everything plus the duplicates. Can this be done easily without needing the overhead of libraries.. For completeness here's a solution that deals with duplicates in the Arrays. It uses .reduce instead of .filter ... var result..
How to get unique values in a array this i arr.push this i return arr You can then do var duplicates 1 3 4 2 1 2 3 8 var uniques duplicates.unique result 1 3 4 2.. You can then do var duplicates 1 3 4 2 1 2 3 8 var uniques duplicates.unique result 1 3 4 2 8 For more reliability you can replace..
Detecting Browser Autofill would love to see a jsfiddle showing your answer. Possible duplicates DOM event for browser password autofill Browser Autofill and..
Generate unique number within range (0 - X), keeping a history to prevent duplicates number within range 0 X keeping a history to prevent duplicates I ran into the challenge where I need a function that returns..
duplicate-able inputs validation not working with non duplicate-able fields age and sex based on your id. and my problem is all the duplicates get unique ages and sex's based on there id but the main member..
How to merge two arrays in Javascript this question To just merge the arrays without removing duplicates use Array.concat var array1 Vijendra Singh var array2 Singh..
What is the JavaScript >>> operator and how do you use it? trying to implement array.filter in a way that exactly duplicates what the ECMAScript Fifth Edition standard says you would cast..
unique() for arrays in javascript [duplicate] everybody knows there's no built in function to remove the duplicates from an array in javascript. I've noticed this is also lacking..
Remove duplicates from an array of objects in javascript duplicates from an array of objects in javascript I have an object that..
jquery remove duplicate li microsoft li li apple li li apple li ul I want to remove duplicates from li by using jquery. How can I do that javascript jquery..
JQuery clone duplicate IDs lists and thier associated list items have Ids and clone duplicates them. Is there an easy way to replace all these duplicate id's..
How to Generate All Possible CSS 2 Selector Combinations? now convert them to strings. The last step is to remove duplicates consider this example div div span span div div Our calculations..
Is there any pre-built method for finding all permutations of a given string in JavaScript? X79vz 1 This is just basic implementation it won't remove duplicates and has no optimization. However for small strings you won't..
JSON Object for jqGrid subgrid used as id of tr elements and HTML don't permit to have id duplicates on one HTML page. UPDATED See here an example of modification..
JQGrid Custom Sorting in columns 'RoleLookupName' 'Entity' and so on can contain duplicates so you would like to sort the grid by combination of the main.. the second column 'FullName' for example . In the case of duplicates in the main sorting column the grid will be still sorted by..
Remove Duplicates from JavaScript Array [duplicate] Nancy Adam Jenny Nancy Carl that may or may not contain duplicates and I need to simply remove the duplicates and put the unique.. may not contain duplicates and I need to simply remove the duplicates and put the unique values in a new array. That's it. I could..
What does this symbol mean in JavaScript? [closed] easily when searching for them. This also makes closing duplicates more difficult. The list below is to help with this issue. The..
Is it OK to add your own attributes to HTML elements? [duplicate] your own attributes to HTML elements duplicate Possible Duplicates Custom attributes Yay or nay Non Standard Attributes on HTML..
Why use $ in the name of javascript variables? [duplicate] in the name of javascript variables duplicate Possible Duplicates Why would a javascript variable start with a dollar sign JQuery..
How safe is it to assume that most users will have JS enabled? [duplicate] that most users will have JS enabled duplicate Possible Duplicates Is it reasonable to assume my visitors have javascript enabled..
Javascript Math Error: Inexact Floats [duplicate] Math Error Inexact Floats duplicate Possible Duplicates Is JavaScript&rsquo s Math broken How is floating point stored..
What does this “(function(){});”, a function inside brackets, mean in javascript? [duplicate] inside brackets mean in javascript duplicate Possible Duplicates What does this mean function x y &hellip a b in JavaScript What..
0.4*3 in javascript, not 1.2, it's 1.20000000002,what happening? [duplicate] 1.2 it's 1.20000000002 what happening duplicate Possible Duplicates Dealing with accuracy problems in floating point numbers Why..
Convert an image into binary data in javascript [duplicate] image into binary data in javascript duplicate Possible Duplicates Get image data in Javascript How to encode image data within..
How to get the index of an <li> in a <ul> [duplicate] to get the index of an li in a ul duplicate Possible Duplicates How to get index of li element jQuery get the index of a element..
How to use a string as a variable name in Javascript? [duplicate] as a variable name in Javascript duplicate Possible Duplicates Is there a way to access a javascript variable using a string..
get image height and width in file tag javascript [duplicate] and width in file tag javascript duplicate Possible Duplicates Determining image file size dimensions via Javascript How to..
get image height and width in file tag using javascript [duplicate] and width in file tag using javascript duplicate Possible Duplicates get image height and width in file tag javascript Determining..
Remove Duplicates from JavaScript Array [duplicate] Duplicates from JavaScript Array duplicate This question already has an..