javascript Programming Glossary: downloads
What good template language is supported in JavaScript?
JavaScript: DOM load events, execution sequence, and $(document).ready() stops parsing the page as soon as it sees a script tag downloads and runs the script and then keeps going. This is why it's commonly..
I have to refresh the page for my Greasemonkey script to run? try GM_xmlhttpRequest method 'GET' url 'http downloads jobAids.user.js v' getCookie updater headers 'Cache Control'.. like to install it now ' GM_openInTab 'http downloads jobAids.user.js' else alert 'You will be reminded again tomorrow'..
How to embed fonts in HTML?
Browser event when downloaded file is saved to disk
Whats Pros and Cons: putting javascript in head and putting just before the body close The problem caused by scripts is that they block parallel downloads. The HTTP 1.1 specification suggests that browsers download.. images from multiple hostnames you can get more than two downloads to occur in parallel. While a script is downloading however.. is downloading however the browser won't start any other downloads even on different hostnames. In some situations it's not easy..
Does the <script> tag position in HTML affects performance of the webpage? assets by default tend to block any other parallel downloads from occurring. So you can imagine if you have plenty of script..
Put javascript in one .js file or break it out into multiple .js files? one file is simplicity. Fewer hits on the server. Fewer downloads for the user. As usual though YMMV. There's no hard and fast..
$(document).ready(function(){}); vs script at the bottom of page events the browser comes to a screeching halt and goes and downloads your script fires up the JavaScript interpreter and hands the..
Download textarea contents as a file using only Javascript (no server-side) side I am being asked to make a download button that downloads the contents of a textarea on the same page as a file with the..
jQuery/Javascript to detect OS without a plugin? a plugin I am looking for a way to detect the OS for a downloads page using jQuery or Javascript to recommend specific files..
Save file Javascript with file name so that when the user clicks the 'Save' button the editor downloads the file. I've already got this partly working uriContent data.. newWindow uriContent 'filename.txt' The file downloads but the problem is that the file is named 'download'. I'd like..
Why Javascript only works after opening developer tools in IE once? opening developer tools once. Our site offers free pdf downloads to users and it has a simple enter password to download function...
Can't dynamically add rows to a <TABLE> in IE? add rows to a TABLE in IE I have an AJAX application that downloads a JSON object and uses the data to add rows to an HTML table..
How to check if Google Maps is fully loaded? when Google Maps has fully loaded ... including tile downloads and all A tilesloaded method exists that is suppose to accomplish..
Javascript: Cancel/Stop Image Requests event just before the new search was run cancel image downloads if window.stop undefined window.stop else if document.execCommand..
Should I version control the minified versions of my jQuery plugins? to manage this repository and one of its features is a Downloads page. So I add jquery.plugin.js as one of the downloads. Now.. practice is. I know that it should be available on the Downloads page as jquery.plugin.min.js but should I also version control..
Ajax, back button and DOM updates go to http ca search q ipod click on say Downloads link at the top and then click back button all DOM updates will..
Is $(document).ready() also CSS ready? using The reference to Stylesheets Block Downloads in Firefox and JavaScript Execution in IE as given by strager..
Does anyone know where I can find the “Orto” Javascript JVM? work. java javascript share improve this question Downloads are under Orto SDK in the left hand menu http
What is xhtml's role attribute? What do you use it for? . Example ul role navigation sitemap li href downloads Downloads li li href docs Documentation li li href news News li ul Given..
Javascript Load Order after the other files. Non blocking JavaScript Downloads has some information about how scripts load and discusses some..
Specify default download folder - possibly with JavaScript? file open dialog default to a specific folder such as USER Downloads MyApp I don't want it to be a forced thing but if we can get..
Can't Deserialize GoogleMaps DirectionsResult Object to create an independent database of œplaces. p c No Mass Downloads or Bulk Feeds of Content. You must not use the Service in a..
Headless Browser for Python (Javascript support REQUIRED!) wiki Category LanguageBindings PySide Downloads I particularly like webkit because it is simple to setup. For..
create a file using javascript in chrome on client side if I can create a text file and save the file in the users Downloads section in his her computer using javascript. The way my feature..
How to Create a Text File Locally at client side using JavaScript/JQuery Temporary Files and then downloading that file into my Downloads Folder. This is the code of the popup page of a Chrome Extension...
Autoplay HTML5 audio/video in iOS5 Developer Library with more details. User Control of Downloads Over Cellular Networks In Safari on iOS for all devices including..