javascript Programming Glossary: document.body.createtextrange
Drop image into contenteditable in Chrome to the cursor x y range.insertNode img Finally the IE way else if document.body.createTextRange range document.body.createTextRange range.moveToPoint x y var.. the IE way else if document.body.createTextRange range document.body.createTextRange range.moveToPoint x y var spanId temp_ Math.random .slice 2..
How to move cursor to end of contenteditable entity else if document.selection IE 8 and lower range document.body.createTextRange Create a range a range is a like the selection but invisible..
Select all DIV text with single mouse click selectText containerid if document.selection var range document.body.createTextRange range.moveToElementText document.getElementById containerid..
Persisting the changes of range objects after selection in HTML document.selection.createRange var preSelectionTextRange document.body.createTextRange preSelectionTextRange.moveToElementText containerEl preSelectionTextRange.setEndPoint.. function containerEl savedSel var textRange document.body.createTextRange textRange.moveToElementText containerEl textRange.collapse true..
Javascript Contenteditable - set Cursor / Caret to index selection else if document.selection IE 8 and lower range document.body.createTextRange Create a range a range is a like the selection but invisible.. function containerEl start end var textRange document.body.createTextRange textRange.moveToElementText containerEl textRange.collapse true..
PHP Remove JavaScript s.addRange r else if document.selection var r document.body.createTextRange r.moveToElementText e script ' function remove_javascript..
how to modify the document selection in javascript? range else IE document.selection.empty var range document.body.createTextRange range.moveToElementText selectTarget return..
How to delete an HTML element inside a div with attribute contentEditable? if range.compareEndPoints if node.nodeType 1 nodeRange document.body.createTextRange nodeRange.moveToElementText node nodeRange.collapse false return..
contenteditable, set caret at the end of the text (cross-browser) sel.removeAllRanges sel.addRange range else if typeof document.body.createTextRange undefined var textRange document.body.createTextRange textRange.moveToElementText.. document.body.createTextRange undefined var textRange document.body.createTextRange textRange.moveToElementText el textRange.collapse false
JQuery/Javascript - Search DOM for text and insert HTML 0 rng.collapse false rng.insertNode node else if document.body.createTextRange var rng document.body.createTextRange while rng.findText a .. node else if document.body.createTextRange var rng document.body.createTextRange while rng.findText a rng.collapse false rng.pasteHTML ' b '..
Insert link in contenteditable element else links containerEl.getElementsByTagName a linkRange document.body.createTextRange for var i 0 i links.length i linkRange.moveToElementText links..
Full text search in HTML ignoring tags / & yellow sel.collapseToEnd document.designMode off else if document.body.createTextRange var textRange document.body.createTextRange while textRange.findText.. off else if document.body.createTextRange var textRange document.body.createTextRange while textRange.findText text textRange.execCommand BackColor..
Highlight text range using JavaScript sel.addRange range else if document.selection document.body.createTextRange var textRange document.body.createTextRange textRange.moveToElementText.. document.body.createTextRange var textRange document.body.createTextRange textRange.moveToElementText el textRange.collapse true textRange.moveEnd..
Calculate Position of selected text javascript/JQuery? .type Control range sel.createRange priorRange document.body.createTextRange priorRange.moveToElementText element priorRange.setEndPoint..