javascript Programming Glossary: dms
Regex/Javascript to transform Degrees Decimal Minutes to Decimal Degrees Decimal Minutes instead of Degrees Minutes Seconds. dmsToDeg function dms if dms return Number.NaN var neg dms.match.. instead of Degrees Minutes Seconds. dmsToDeg function dms if dms return Number.NaN var neg dms.match ^ s s SW s null.. of Degrees Minutes Seconds. dmsToDeg function dms if dms return Number.NaN var neg dms.match ^ s s SW s null 1.0 1.0..
Converting latitude and longitude to decimal values To parse your input use the following. function ParseDMS input var parts input.split ^ d w var lat ConvertDMSToDD parts.. ParseDMS input var parts input.split ^ d w var lat ConvertDMSToDD parts 0 parts 1 parts 2 parts 3 var lng ConvertDMSToDD parts.. parts 0 parts 1 parts 2 parts 3 var lng ConvertDMSToDD parts 4 parts 5 parts 6 parts 7 The following will convert..
Are there any static Call-Graph and/or Control-Flow-Graph API for JavaScript? this machinery across lots of tools. My company offers the DMS Software Reengineering Toolkit a package of generic compiler.. front ends including C C COBOL and yes JavaScript . DMS offers APIs to enable custom tools to be constructed on its.. listed at the top of the message is all present in DMS including control flow graph and data flow analysis available..