javascript Programming Glossary: deps
How to achieve lazy loading with RequireJS? it becomes the normal style of define with an array of deps as the first argument. Because of this it doesn't care where.. top of my head is to use a require call with an array of deps and a callback define function require var module1 require 'module1'..
How to use RequireJS build profile + r.js in a multi-page project 1.7.2 jquery.min' baseUrl ' media js ' etc... require 'deps' function main code Is there a way to avoid this Like having.. exports _ json exports JSON somejqueryplugin exports deps jquery And then after configuration we can make the first require..
How to manage client-side JavaScript dependencies? master backbone min.js Remote on github shim backbone deps underscore jquery Backbone depends on jquery and underscore..
Mismatched anonymous define() module error goes away. define app_name MyExampleApp shim 'ember' deps 'handlebars' 'jquery' exports 'Ember' 'jquery.ui' 'jquery' paths..
Requirejs why and when to use shim config dependencies should be loaded before loading backbone.js deps 'underscore' 'jquery' Once loaded use the global 'Backbone'.. exports 'Backbone' 'underscore' exports '_' 'foo' deps 'bar' exports 'Foo' init function bar Using a function allows..
WIKI: How to use Lime (how to use closure-compiler with 3rd party (closure) libraries) closure ... roundball assets ... other roundball stuff When you open D projects roundball rb.html and check out.. could not find lime.Director This is because closure uses deps.js to find dependencies and since lime is not in there it can't.. providing lime.Director. You can add directories for to look in with the path parameter. In D projects roundball..
Require.js bug random Failed to load resource simple require.config shim underscore exports '_' backbone deps 'underscore' 'jquery' exports 'Backbone' animate_from_to deps.. 'underscore' 'jquery' exports 'Backbone' animate_from_to deps 'jquery' bootstrap deps 'jquery' zoom deps 'jquery' shop_util.. exports 'Backbone' animate_from_to deps 'jquery' bootstrap deps 'jquery' zoom deps 'jquery' shop_util deps 'jquery' pricer deps..
router.js Function not executed paths try adding this shim part paths ... shim 'backbone' deps 'jquery' 'underscore' exports 'Backbone' Now I suppose you..
Loading backbone and underscore using requirejs is simple to use 1 one states the dependencies deps if any which may be from the paths configuration or may be valid.. require.config shim underscore exports '_' backbone deps underscore jquery exports Backbone the main function to bootstrap.. 'backbone' function _ Backbone or you could use these deps in a separate module using define Note this simplified code..