javascript Programming Glossary: css
jQuery Mobile: Markup Enhancement of dynamically added content be easily set to cover full available space with a little css trick #content padding 0 position absolute important top 40px.. must be done with important override. Without it default css styles can not be changed. Example #navbar li background red..
Change an element's CSS class with JavaScript response to an onClick event using JavaScript javascript css dom share improve this question Adding and Removing Classes..
What is the best way to detect a handheld device in jQuery? mobile handheld device in jQuery Something similar to the css media attribute I would like to run a different script if the..
Manipulating CSS pseudo-elements using jQuery (e.g. :before and :after) change 'foo' to 'bar' using jQuery javascript jquery html css pseudo element share improve this question You could also..
Can jQuery get all CSS styles associated with an element? styles are in an external style sheet. javascript jquery css share improve this question A couple years late but here.. both inline styling and external styling function css a var sheets document.styleSheets o for var i in sheets var.. o for var i in sheets var rules sheets i .rules sheets i .cssRules for var r in rules if rules r .selectorText o .extend..
Calculate text width with Javascript abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ div CSS #Test position absolute visibility hidden height auto width..
What is an elegant way to force browsers to reload cached CSS/JS files? is an elegant way to force browsers to reload cached CSS JS files I have noticed that some browsers in particular Firefox.. rails python static HTML anything and rewrites links to CSS JS image files so they include an id code. It serves up the..
Reference: Why does the PHP (or other server side) code in my Javascript not work? Javascript PHP etc. client side server side HTML CSS Javascript The two sides communicate via HTTP requests and..
Why does jQuery or a DOM method such as `getElementById` not find the element? which implement querySelector and querySelectorAll methods CSS style notation is used to retrieve an element by its id for..
jQuery Mobile: Markup Enhancement of dynamically added content problems If for some reason default jQuery Mobile CSS needs to be changed it must be done with important override...
How to detect page zoom level in all modern browsers? that screen.width uses device pixels but MQ width uses CSS pixels thanks to Quirksmode widths FF3.6 no known method FF4.. widths table says it's a bug innerWidth should be CSS px . We use the position fixed element to get the width of the..
Change an element's CSS class with JavaScript an element's CSS class with JavaScript How can I change a CSS class of an HTML.. an element's CSS class with JavaScript How can I change a CSS class of an HTML element in response to an onClick event using..
Manipulating CSS pseudo-elements using jQuery (e.g. :before and :after) CSS pseudo elements using jQuery e.g. before and after Is there.. before and after Is there any way to select manipulate CSS pseudo elements such as before and after using jQuery For example.. .hover function this .attr 'data content' 'bar' script In CSS span after content attr data content ' any other text you may..
How to remove the space between inline-block elements? Given this HTML p span Foo span span Bar span p and this CSS span display inline block width 100px as a result there will.. p span Foo span span Bar span p However I was hoping for a CSS solution that doesn't require the HTML source code to be tampered.. dGHFV 1 But can this issue be solved with CSS alone javascript html css share improve this question Since..
Can jQuery get all CSS styles associated with an element? jQuery get all CSS styles associated with an element Is there a way in jQuery.. with an element Is there a way in jQuery to get all CSS from an existing element and apply it to another without listing.. css2json css var s if css return s if css instanceof CSSStyleDeclaration for var i in css if css i .toLowerCase s css..
How to include a JavaScript file in another JavaScript file? JavaScript file Is there something similar to @import in CSS in JavaScript that allows you to include a JavaScript file inside..