

javascript Programming Glossary: crypto

Decrypting with private key from .pem file in c# with .NET crypto library


with private key from .pem file in c# with .NET crypto library I know this is a similar question to this one but before.. END RSA PRIVATE KEY directly with the .NET 3.5 crypto library without having to go to a 3rd party or roll my own .. to a 3rd party or roll my own c# javascript .net 3.5 rsacryptoserviceprovider share improve this question http www.jensign.com..

JavaScript not being properly executed in HtmlUnit


. I have a bunch running but I'm stuck where it calls crypto. The JS in question is function try var ab new Uint32Array 32.. JS in question is function try var ab new Uint32Array 32 crypto.getRandomValues ab sjcl.random.addEntropy ab 1024 crypto.getRandomValues.. crypto.getRandomValues ab sjcl.random.addEntropy ab 1024 crypto.getRandomValues catch e HtmlUnit is throwing EcmaError ReferenceError..

What are the use-cases for Web Workers?


examples of using web workers here games graphics crypto. Another use is Web I O in other words polling URLs in background...

Javascript cryptography library to sign form data in browser


cryptography library to sign form data in browser I am looking for.. to sign form data in browser I am looking for a JS crypto lib similar to say OpenSSL's libcrypto that facilitates digital.. am looking for a JS crypto lib similar to say OpenSSL's libcrypto that facilitates digital signing of data in the browser. I want..

Is Math.random() cryptographically secure?


Math.random cryptographically secure How good are algorithms used in Javascript.. How many bits from one random I can use javascript random cryptography share improve this question Nope JavaScript Math.random.. question Nope JavaScript Math.random function is not a cryptographic grade random number generator. You are better of using..

Getting closure-compiler and Node.js to play nice


document. var document n var bee require 'beeline' n var crypto require 'crypto' n var fs require 'fs' n var http require 'http'.. document n var bee require 'beeline' n var crypto require 'crypto' n var fs require 'fs' n var http require 'http' n var https..