javascript Programming Glossary: cp
Can anyone recommend a good, free javascript for punycode to Unicode conversion? [closed] var tmax 26 var skew 38 var maxint 0x7FFFFFFF decode_digit cp returns the numeric value of a basic code point for use in representing.. representing integers in the range 0 to base 1 or base if cp is does not represent a value. function decode_digit cp return.. if cp is does not represent a value. function decode_digit cp return cp 48 10 cp 22 cp 65 26 cp 65 cp 97 26 cp 97 base encode_digit..
Expressing UTF-16 unicode characters in JavaScript character for a code point function getUnicodeCharacter cp if cp 0 cp 0xD7FF cp 0xE000 cp 0xFFFF return String.fromCharCode.. for a code point function getUnicodeCharacter cp if cp 0 cp 0xD7FF cp 0xE000 cp 0xFFFF return String.fromCharCode cp.. for a code point function getUnicodeCharacter cp if cp 0 cp 0xD7FF cp 0xE000 cp 0xFFFF return String.fromCharCode cp else..