

javascript Programming Glossary: counts

Chrome counts characters wrong in textarea with maxlength attribute


counts characters wrong in textarea with maxlength attribute Here..

Display DIV at Cursor Position in Textarea


if it's going to get pushed to the next line. Punctuation counts as a part of the word . I haven't tested with tabs but there's..

How to count the no of open brackets and no of close brackets


of close brackets. Hence I need a regular expression which counts the no of open brackets and close brackets and gives me the..

How does similar_text work?


letter in the first string that second string contains counts that and throws away the chars before that from the second string..

Understanding Firebug profiler output


However if there are nested function calls then time also counts the time spent executing them. Therefore time will almost always..

Regular Expression for accurate word-count using JavaScript


expression for a JavaScript command that accurately counts the number of words in a textarea. One solution I had found.. space character is appended to the value being counted it counts 1 word even with an empty document. Furthermore if the document.. a regular expression I can put into this command that counts the words accurately regardless of input method javascript..

array_count_values for javascript instead


question Why not simply create a new javascript array counts Iterate over original array and increament the count of counts.. Iterate over original array and increament the count of counts for keys encountered in the array. http jsfiddle.net 4t28P 1.. new Array apple banana apple orange banana apple var counts for var i 0 i myCurrentArray.length i var key myCurrentArray..

Javascript Countdown


readily available are where you specificy a date and it counts down to that date. What I need is something which will simply..

Google Maps API v3 Event mouseover with InfoBox plugin


fiddly when I mouseover a child node within the InfoBox it counts as a mouseout on the parent node and fires the event. Is this..

JavaScript NTP time


NTP time Hello I'm writing a counting script who counts the time between an old date and today. Everything worked good..

Getting the closest string match


Arr Elements Mid Text ElemStart 'Since the end of string counts as the terminating delimiter if the last character 'was also..

jQuery: Count words in real time


the number of words in each input. Either store the counts in a variable and add the variables together to get your finalcount..

Lazy Cartesian product of arrays (arbitrary nested loops)


as the results you would get if you had nested loops var counts 2 3 4 5 var adjectives 'sweet' 'ugly' var animals 'cats' 'dogs'.. 'ugly' var animals 'cats' 'dogs' 'hogs' for var i 0 i counts.length i for var j 0 j adjectives.length j for var k 0 k animals.length.. j for var k 0 k animals.length k console.log counts i adjectives j animals k .join ' ' The benefits of the Cartesian..