

javascript Programming Glossary: copyright

If html page doesn't have the special links, then give an alert with Javascript


A javascript function must search the special links copyright urls in a web page html body . If it doesn't find the special.. alert. Example of JavaScript file if If function find the copyright links then null don't make anything else If function doesn't.. null don't make anything else If function doesn't find copyright links then give an alert alert Please protect original copyright..

Scroll smoothly to specific element on page


to do so subject to the following conditions The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies..

plugin illuminate 0.7 incompatible to jQuery 1.9.1 or jQuery-UI 1.10.3 -> TypeError: $.css(…) is undefined


met Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice this list of conditions and the following disclaimer... Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice this list of conditions and the following disclaimer..

How to add extra info to copied web text


or what you maybe found http bavotasan.com tutorials add a copyright notice to copied text script type text javascript function addLink..

Do search engines process Javascript?


run it but that page is 2 years old judging from the copyright info . The reason I'm asking this question is because we use..

How to encrypt HTML, CSS and JavaScript to prevent theft [duplicate]


improve this question That's not possible you should copyright your code instead if you are worried. Or you may want to have..

YUI remove javascript comments


comment will not be removed so it's a good place to put a copyright this comment will be removed this one too share improve this..

What algorithm does Readability use for extracting text from URLs?


getting tricky with headlines short sentences disclaimers copyright footers etc. There are more sophisticated strategies and features..

How does Financial Times add a disclaimer when pasting text?


in advance Example Please respect FT.com's ts cs and copyright policy which allow you to share links copy content for personal.. ts amp cs a and a href 'http www.ft.com servicestools help copyright' copyright policy a which allow you to share links copy content.. and a href 'http www.ft.com servicestools help copyright' copyright policy a which allow you to share links copy content for personal..

Sorting not working with Json Result giving encoded output


the code below as I had to remove the actual columns for copyright issues. C# code CacheControl HttpCacheability.NoCache AcceptVerbs..

jQuery CSS plugin that returns computed style of element to pseudo clone that element?


for jQuery JavaScript Library From http upshots.org p 112 Copyright Unknown see source link Plugin version by Dakota Schneider http..

How to draw non-scalable circle in SVG with Javascript


http phrogz.net svg scale independent elements.svg Library Copyright 2012 © Gavin Kistner @phrogz.net License http phrogz.net JS..

What JavaScript should be included in the <head> and what included in the <body>? [closed]


body śJavaScript Patterns by Stoyan Stefanov O ™Reilly . Copyright 2010 Yahoo Inc. 9780596806750. em share improve this answer..

Scroll smoothly to specific element on page


with filter fps values Created by Borbás Geri on 12 17 13 Copyright c 2013 eppz development LLC. Permission is hereby granted free..

plugin illuminate 0.7 incompatible to jQuery 1.9.1 or jQuery-UI 1.10.3 -> TypeError: $.css(…) is undefined


the BSD License. Currently incompatible with FireFox v.4 Copyright © 2011 Tony Lea All rights reserved. Redistribution and use..

How to add extra info to copied web text


' document.location.href ' document.location.href a br Copyright copy c.bavota change this if you want var copytext selection..

Javascript check Mouse clicked inside the Circle or Polygon


translation for finding whether a point is in a polygon Copyright c 1970 2003 Wm. Randolph Franklin Permission is hereby granted..

Why does the JavaScript need to start with “;”?


this jQuery plugin's code starts with jQuery.ScrollTo Copyright c 2007 2008 Ariel Flesler aflesler at gmail dot com http flesler.blogspot.com..

How to escape HTML


prepEntities s alert After s script head body div id 'd1' Copyright copy Yen yen Cedilla cedil Surrogate pair #65536 div input type..

$(document).ready() source


forget jQuery JavaScript Library v1.4.2 http jquery.com Copyright 2010 John Resig Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2..

javascript:how to write $(document).ready like event without jquery


from jQuery 1.4.3 functions bindReady and DOMContentLoaded Copyright 2010 John Resig Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2..

javascript “use strict” and Nick's find global function


this śJavaScript Patterns by Stoyan Stefanov O ™Reilly . Copyright 2010 Yahoo Inc. 9780596806750. em share improve this answer..

why module pattern?
