javascript Programming Glossary: cookies
How to access PHP variables in JavaScript or jQuery rather than <?php echo $variable ?> php echo variablen I know I can store some variables in cookies and access these values via cookies but values in cookies are.. some variables in cookies and access these values via cookies but values in cookies are relatively stable values. Moreover.. cookies and access these values via cookies but values in cookies are relatively stable values. Moreover there is a limit you..
What is the “best” way to get and set a single cookie value using JavaScript the best or most concise way to implement this javascript cookies share improve this question Stolen from http this question Stolen from http js cookies.html#script function createCookie name value days if days var.. out in the comments you should cast to an int since cookies are stored and returned as strings. Using foo or foo will actually..
Uncaught Error: SECURITY_ERR: DOM Exception 18 when I try to set a cookie on a local file over the file URI scheme which cannot have cookies set. Put it on a local server so you can use http localhost..
What is the max size of localStorage values? storage can be viewed simplistically as an improvement on cookies providing much greater storage capacity 2.5 MB per origin in..
Javascript getCookie functions c.substring nameEQ.length c.length return null javascript cookies share improve this question The function from W3CSchool.. from W3CSchool is wrong. It fails if there are multiple cookies that have the same suffix like ffoo bar foo baz When you search.. do First of all you need get to know the syntax of how cookies are transported. Netscape ™s original specification there are..
Safari 3rd party cookie iframe trick no longer working? this is the umteenth revenge of the how do I get 3rd party cookies to work in Safari question but I'm asking again because I think.. February 2012. One of the standard tricks to get 3rd party cookies in Safari was as follows use some javascript to POST to a hidden.. interacted with the 3rd party content and so then allow cookies to be set. I think this loophole has been closed in the wake..
User recognition without cookies or local storage . You can't store the user's identity reliably because Cookies Can be deleted IP address Can change Browser Can Change Browser.. programs on their system. This leaves you stuck with using Cookies and other similar tools. Cookies and other similar tools You.. you stuck with using Cookies and other similar tools. Cookies and other similar tools You might consider building a Data Profile..
How do I uniquely identify computers visiting my web site? using javascript. I appreciate the help. Thanks. EDIT Cookies will not do. I need the ability to basically create a guid which..
What is the max size of localStorage values? space than the typical user agent limitations imposed upon Cookies. However the amount that is provided is not defined in the specification..
null coalescing operator for javascript? do this String someString null var whatIWant someString Cookies The best approximation I can figure out for Javascript is using.. var someString null var whatIWant someString someString 'Cookies ' Which is sorta icky IMHO. Can I do better javascript operators.. operator is using a logical OR var whatIWant someString Cookies There are cases clarified below that the behaviour won't match..