javascript Programming Glossary: comment
Ajax, back button and DOM updates reddit and many other popular websites. try to add test comment to this question then navigate to different page and hit back.. to different page and hit back button to come back your comment will be gone This makes sense yet some websites
jQuery Mobile: Markup Enhancement of dynamically added content 01.02.2013 Added a dynamic navbar demo 01.03.2013 Added comment about how to dynamically add filtering to a listview 07.03.2013..
Can I call jquery click() to follow an <a> link if I haven't bound an event handler to it with bind or click already? script script document .ready function Try to dis comment this '#a' .click function alert ' ' return true.. unless you directly click on the link with or without the commented code . Also notice that even if you bind the click event to..
Add table row in jQuery activity with this question. eyelidlessness makes a good comment that there will always be a tbody in the DOM this is true but..
Getting All Variables In Scope the official linkable HTML version. Update based on your comment to Camsoft The variables in scope for your event function are..
jQuery single quote in JSON response c break ... At the top of the method is an informative comment The formal JSON format does not allow strings in single quotes..
Benefits of prototypal inheritance over classical? is any kind of description or model of something else. The comments in your code are just a a natural language description of the.. types are just metadata. They're a specialized kind of comment targeted at two kinds of readers programmers and compilers... away at runtime because in the end they're just stylized comments. They're like pedigree paperwork it might make a certain insecure..
Best JavaScript compressor [closed] 10 818 bytes after gzip @ daniel james mentions in the comment compressorrater which shows Packer leading the chart in best..
Location of parenthesis for auto-executing anonymous JavaScript functions? function in parenthesis. function code here There is a comment by CMS in the accepted answer of Explain JavaScript ™s encapsulated..
Is Chrome's JavaScript console lazy about evaluating arrays? console share improve this question Thanks for the comment tec. I was able to find an existing unconfirmed Webkit bug that..
Check if object is array?
How to debug Javascript/jQuery event bindings with FireBug (or similar tool) down and add a bunch of Firebug console.log statements and comment uncomment pieces of code to try to pinpoint the problem. But.. a bunch of Firebug console.log statements and comment uncomment pieces of code to try to pinpoint the problem. But let's assume..
How can I make setInterval also work when a tab is inactive in Chrome? left leftValue before new Date interval EDIT @ UpTheCreek comment Fine for presentation issues but still there are some things..
Facebook how to check if user has liked page and show content? 441.htm But jQuery is so easy UPDATE Relatively to the comment I posted here below here is some ruby code to decode the signed_request..
How to show popup message like in stackoverflow etc. For the hovering dialogs that you get when you try to comment too fast vote for your own question etc check out this question..
Javascript that executes after page load function ... edit according to Peter Bailey in a comment here window.onload function ... is a better way to go share..
How to turn a String into a javascript function call? fn 'function' fn Edit In reply to @Mahan's comment In this particular case settings.functionName would be clickedOnItem..
Show and hide divs at a specific time interval using jQuery color blue div3 div div body html EDIT In response to your comment about the container div just modify this 'div' '#container'..
For each in an array. How to do that in JavaScript? bit unsigned integer. Props to RobG for pointing out in a comment on my blog post that my previous test wasn't quite right. That's..
How to list all comments in my domain in my domain I am using the HTML5 version of Facebook Comment in my website. I have my own Facebook APP Id. Using Graph API.. FQL I think this is how to do it I want to list all the Comments posted in my website. Example Page Title1 Comment1 Comment2.. all the Comments posted in my website. Example Page Title1 Comment1 Comment2 Comment3 Page Title2 Comment1 Comment2 Comment3 Page..
how to stop # links that call javascript functions from jumping to top of page do you I stop my links like this a href # onClick submitComment From jumping to the top of the page after the click javascript.. your code base difficult to manage. a href # onClick submitComment return false Seperate your HTML from your JavaScript It's far.. your scripting. a id submit href enableScripts.html Post Comment a With the above HTML we can find this element and wire up a..
string.empty converted to null when passing JSON object to MVC Controller DisplayFormat ConvertEmptyStringToNull false public string Comment get set ... However if you don't want to annotate all the properties..
How would you organize a large complex web application (see basic example)? after multiple spaces are trimmed out to one. If Add Comment is clicked but the size is less than 15 after removing multiple.. Update character count. Indicate progress function handleCommentUpdate comment var status '.comment status' status.text getStatusText.. if comment.length 15 blink status message else popup Comment must be at least 15 characters in length. show a popup is comment..
Sanitize/Rewrite HTML on the Client Side do the following var tagBody ' ^ ' ^ ' ^ ' ' ' var tagOrComment new RegExp ' ' Comment body. ' ^ ' Special raw text elements.. tagBody ' ^ ' ^ ' ^ ' ' ' var tagOrComment new RegExp ' ' Comment body. ' ^ ' Special raw text elements whose content should be.. html var oldHtml do oldHtml html html html.replace tagOrComment '' while html oldHtml return html.replace g ' lt ' People will..
Replacing radio buttons with different images images for each radio button depending on its state. Comment if you find any bugs Demo http mctcs Use for radio..
Division/RegExp conflict while tokenizing Javascript detects basic types Word Number String RegExp Operator Comment and Newline. Everything is going fine but I can't understand..
jQuery: Unbind event handlers to bind them again later and store the handlers in an array before unbinding. Comment if you need more help. I got this idea from reading the .fn.clone..
jQuery click event for document but ignore a div page but ignore it when someone clicks in the DIV the Comment box Save button are in javascript jquery html events click.. most likely need to stop the propagation of events in your Comments div using the event object's stopPropagation method '#comments'..
RegEx for match/replacing JavaScript comments (both multiline and inline) witch would remove all those HTML like comments. HTML Comment or HTML Comment And also those conditional HTML comments witch.. remove all those HTML like comments. HTML Comment or HTML Comment And also those conditional HTML comments witch can be found..
Mobile Safari Autofocus text field how can you autofocus on a form field in iphone safari Comment in set textbox focus in mobile safari javascript focus mobile..
What's the difference between a jQuery object and a DOM element? Difference between .get() and .index()? Some text 1 Element node div 3 Text node Another div 8 Comment node 3 Text node A comment You can find a list of node types..
Validation event for asp net client side validation where you need to go. If not feel free to ask. Previous Comment You can use an onClientClick and attach a JavaScript function...
How to make my contact form send me Email . br MESSAGE_BODY . URL . _POST url . br MESSAGE_BODY . Comment .nl2br _POST comment . br mail ToEmail EmailSubject MESSAGE_BODY.. type text name url div div class form row span class label Comment span textarea name comment textarea div div class form row input..
JQuery to load Javascript file dynamically that will help me do this Some more detail I have a Add Comment button that should load the TinyMCE javascript file I've boiled.. the initial page load because not everyone will click Add Comment . I understand I can just do #addComment .click function e document.write.. will click Add Comment . I understand I can just do #addComment .click function e document.write script... but is there a better..