javascript Programming Glossary: bust
Expire cache on require.js data-main to the cached version of client.js. I'd like to add a cachebuster to client.js but I can't seem to figure out how to do it using.. I tried some variations of script data main js client.js b busted src js external require jquery.js script but now require tries.. from not js so it 404s. I also tried adding urlArgs bust new Date .getTime to require.config but it appears to have no..
How to get an AJAX get-request to wait for the page to be rendered before returning a response? you may have to prevent some pages from attempting to bust out of the iframe. Using a hidden iframe to get data from a..
Using JS how can I stop child Iframes from redirecting or at least prompt users about the redirect Once that has been called then the prevent_bust will never be incremented and that means that the website will.. to determine what is being tested for. var prevent_bust Math.random 3000 enclose everything in a function so that it.. scope of the main window. function onbeforeunload prevent_bust window.onbeforeunload onbeforeunload setInterval function make..
Detect when iframe is cross-domain, then bust out of it when iframe is cross domain then bust out of it I have a page with a large iframe that contains a.. a user navigates away from my site I do them a favor and bust out of the iframe. The iframe has an onload event which is fired.. whole page. But I think you're right you can't actually bust out without explicit cooperation from the other domain. EDIT..
Check if Internet Connection Exists with Javascript? issue is centered around jQuery. If you wanted a more robust solution you could try var online navigator.onLine Read more.. as a HEAD to the root hostname with a random param to bust the cache HEAD window.location.hostname rand Math.floor..
Prevent RequireJS from Caching Required Scripts updated. Cross Platform Solution I am now using urlArgs bust new Date .getTime for automatic cache busting during development.. using urlArgs bust new Date .getTime for automatic cache busting during development and urlArgs bust v2 for production where.. for automatic cache busting during development and urlArgs bust v2 for production where I increment the hard coded version num..
Frame Buster Buster … buster code needed Buster Buster &hellip buster code needed Let's say you don't want other sites to frame.. http iframe So you insert anti framing frame busting JavaScript into all your pages break us out of any containing.. top.location.replace self.location.href Excellent Now you bust or break out of any containing iframe automatically. Except..
Cache busting via params busting via params We want to cache bust on production deploys but.. busting via params We want to cache bust on production deploys but not waste a bunch of time off the..