javascript Programming Glossary: bounding
Choosing the right technology/library for adding user specified text on a path in previously defined regions syntax in case you're wondering . Now the red outlines are bounding boxes that are retrieved using the Inkscape CLI. So since we..
Calculate the bounding box's X, Y, Height and Width of a rotated element via JavaScript the bounding box's X Y Height and Width of a rotated element via JavaScript.. How does one calculate the X Y Height and Width of a bounding box all the red numbers surrounding a rotated HTML element given.. of the X Y coords is not functioning properly... var boundingBox function iX iY iAngle var x y bx by t # Allow for negetive..
Calculate width & height of the selected text (javascript) range sel.createRange range.collapse true x range.boundingLeft y range.boundingTop else if window.getSelection sel window.getSelection.. range.collapse true x range.boundingLeft y range.boundingTop else if window.getSelection sel window.getSelection if sel.rangeCount.. Here's some code to get the dimensions of the selection's bounding rectangle. It's pretty similar to the original code. Demo http..
Mercator longitude and latitude calculations to x and y on a cropped map (of the UK) where I got the latitude and longitude values of the bounding box around the UK. They are also here northLat 58.666667 northLong..
How to get Google Maps API to set the correct zoom level for a country? can use the Google Maps Client side Geocoder to get the bounding box of the country as in the following example API version 2..
Javascript: Collision detection to implement some rude collision detecting technique e.g. bounding rectangles and a more accurate one if needed in case you have..
fitbounds() in Google maps api V3 does not fit bounds map.fitBounds results 0 .geometry.viewport var boundingBoxPoints ne new google.maps.LatLng sw.lng sw new google.maps.LatLng.. sw.lng sw new google.maps.LatLng ne.lng ne var boundingBox new google.maps.Polyline path boundingBoxPoints strokeColor.. ne.lng ne var boundingBox new google.maps.Polyline path boundingBoxPoints strokeColor '#FF0000' strokeOpacity 1.0 strokeWeight..
Google's Geocoder returns wrong country, ignoring the region hint 3.00 var sw new google.maps.LatLng 49.00 13.00 Define bounding box for drawing var boundingBoxPoints ne new google.maps.LatLng.. 49.00 13.00 Define bounding box for drawing var boundingBoxPoints ne new google.maps.LatLng sw.lng sw new google.maps.LatLng.. sw.lng sw new google.maps.LatLng ne.lng ne Draw bounding box on map new google.maps.Polyline path boundingBoxPoints strokeColor..
Google Maps v3 - Automating Zoom Level? var ne bounds.getNorthEast var sw bounds.getSouthWest var boundingBox new google.maps.Polyline path ne new google.maps.LatLng strokeColor '#FF0000' strokeOpacity 1.0 strokeWeight 2 boundingBox.setMap map script body html Screenshot from the above example.. script body html Screenshot from the above example The red bounding box represents the LatLngBounds object when extended with both..
jQuery image map alternative of #pos1 and #pos2. Same goes for width and height of the bounding box. All done with CSS with no javaScript. share improve this..