

javascript Programming Glossary: artist

Trying so hard to Link to tabbed content from an external link [closed]


brain around it. In the effort of complete honesty I am an artist with just enough code knowledge to be dangerous. I can't write..

Sorting a JavaScript object


want a way to sort a Javascript object like this method 'artist.getInfo' artist 'Green Day' format 'json' api_key 'fa3af76b9396d0091c9c41ebe3c63716'.. sort a Javascript object like this method 'artist.getInfo' artist 'Green Day' format 'json' api_key 'fa3af76b9396d0091c9c41ebe3c63716'.. by name to get api_key 'fa3af76b9396d0091c9c41ebe3c63716' artist 'Green Day' format 'json' method 'artist.getInfo' I can't find..

Need Help With Getting Cross Domain XML With JavaScript


a web app that provides music information i.e. info on artists albums songs etc. and for the info source I'm using the MusicBrainz.. code I'm using Code queryString http musicbrainz.org ws 1 artist type xml name qry limit 10 .ajax url queryString dataType .browser.msie.. URL that looks like proxy url http 3A musicbrainz.org ws 1 artist 3Ftype 3Dxml 26name 3Dexample 26limit 3D10 If PHP is available..

read id3 tags from mp3 using javascript


and i want to be able to read most basic information like artist and Album actually just these two but others wont do any harm..

Lucene-like searching through JSON objects in JavaScript


of JSON objects its a music library with properties like artist album etc feeding a jqgrid with loadonce true and I want to..

Randomizing elements in an array?


elements in an array I've created a site for an artist friend of mine and she wants the layout to stay the same but..

Using Jade templates in Backbone.js


template span class album title title span span class artist name artist span ol class tracks _.each tracks function track.. span class album title title span span class artist name artist span ol class tracks _.each tracks function track li track.title..

Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined


Intuition a div class acc_container p How does an artist know how to blend oils and colours on a canvas It ™s innate ..

Can javascript running inside an iframe affect the main page?


thumbs '. row image .' div ' p p.' div id right h2 '. row artist .' '. row 'title' .' h2 br '. row 'message' .' br ' p p.' a..