java Programming Glossary: yet
Standard concise way to copy a file in Java? out to the other steam. The web is littered with similar yet still slightly different implementations of this type of solution...
Sorting an ArrayList of Contacts based on name? [duplicate] address. So I was looking into using the collection sort yet am not sure how i'd implement this. Is this the right sort I..
What is a Null Pointer Exception? which is a reference type . Since you did not say as yet what to point to Java sets it to null meaning I am pointing..
How to upload files to server using JSP/Servlet? has proven its robustness. When you're not on Servlet 3.0 yet use Apache Commons FileUpload If you're not on Servlet 3.0 yet.. use Apache Commons FileUpload If you're not on Servlet 3.0 yet the common practice is to make use of Apache Commons FileUpload..
What is the reason behind “non-static method cannot be referenced from a static context”? created an object the non static method doesn't exist yet. A static method by definition always exists. share improve..
How do servlets work? Instantiation, session variables and multithreading and the session hasn't timed out at the server side yet. It's been shared among all requests in the same session. The..
Retain precision with Doubles in java [duplicate] When you print this value out it gets rounded yet again to 17 decimal digits giving 0.33333333333333326 share..
JSTL in JSF2 Facelets… makes sense? tree simply because the complete view tree isn't available yet at the point JSTL runs . If you're expecting or storing some..
A better Java JSON library? [closed] is also a library called google gson . I haven't tried it yet. Here's how it describes itself Gson is a Java library that..
What is the purpose of the expression “new String(…)” in Java? That's right no copy of the underlying array there. And yet it still conforms to the Java 7 String documentation in that..
How to internationalize a Java web application? English _en_US and British English _en_GB . If not done yet install JSTL. If you're running on a Servlet 2.5 container or..
Best way to read a text file [closed] I'd also recommend you download and read this wonderful yet free book called Thinking In Java share improve this answer..
Bringing JFileChooser on top of all windows testing. I have seen a few solutions online including SO yet none seem to do the trick while some other seem very lengthy..
Connection pooling options with JDBC: DBCP vs C3P0 [closed] post may be out of date. That being said I haven't yet experienced this new upgraded library's performance nor heard..
What is an efficient way to implement a singleton pattern in Java? or reflection attacks. While this approach has yet to be widely adopted a single element enum type is the best..
How to reference components in JSF ajax? Cannot find component with identifier “foo” in view I was not able to make the second solution working yet. Am I missing something java ajax jsf jsf 2 primefaces share..
Https Connection Android is a class that implements yet none of the methods actually perform any work get a sample here..
How do I run Eclipse using Oracle's new 1.7 JDK for the Mac? Java JavaVirtualMachines 1.7.0.jdk Contents Home bin java Yet in the Eclipse installation details dialog I still see java.runtime.version..
Difference between wait() and sleep() on an object's monitor whereas you call sleep on Thread . Yet another point is that you can get spurious wakeups from wait..
Pass an array to a wrapped function as pointer+size or range of not making excessive copies and being more reusable. Yet another alternative approach to wrapping would be to write a..
Java generics - Make Generic to extends 2 interfaces
Eclipse bug? When is a short not a short? the integer literal as a short. This works short five 5 Yet it does not do the same when passing integer literals as short.. has to be explicity cast to a short aMethod short 5 Yet here the compiler knows to convert the integer literal to a..
Looking for a Java User Agent String Parser [closed] java parsing user agent share improve this question Yet try a new library that is updated monthly and available in The..
NullPointerException in invokeLater while running through Java Webstart 7u25 the AppContext was set on the system thread group. Yet it is set on the main thread group. If you have a thread based..
Java: Swing Libraries & Thread Safety of the lack of thread safety in the Swing libraries. Yet I am not sure as to what I would be doing in my own code with..
How to configure log4j with a properties file file sits in the same directory when I open the Jar. Yet I get this error log4j ERROR Could not read configuration file..
How do I “decompile” Java class files? JAD they can not display Java 5 sources. Java Decompiler Yet another Fast Java decompiler has explicit support for decompiling..
How is Java platform-independent when it needs a JVM to run? any machine and need no special software to be installed Yet the JVM needs to be present in the machine. For example we need..
Java generics and varargs you end up losing information in a worse way than normal. Yet another little pain point in Java generics share improve this..
Want to know whether enough memory is free on a linux machine to deploy a new application it can be cleared and used by processes if necessary . Yet free does not consider it cache memory and does not enter it..
Creating random numbers with no duplicates as it maintains insertion order which we care about here. Yet another option is to always make progress by reducing the range..
What could cause java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException? really threw ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException as expected. Yet when going up it somehow changes to InvocationTargetException..
Where is JAVA_HOME on OSX Lion (10.7) , Mountain Lion (10.8) or Mavericks (10.9)? Java is an optional package on the latest versions of OSX. Yet once installed it appears like the JAVA_HOME environment variable..
How do I use a custom Serializer with Jackson? IOException JsonProcessingException jgen.writeNumber id Yet another possibility is to implement JsonSerializable in which..
How to create a custom validator in Play Framework 2.0? validation framework. It was powerful and easy to use. Yet we still had to wire the HTML form and the validation framework..
Accessing Java static final ivar value through reflection but CONST_STRING and CONST_OBJECT of course are not. Yet CONST_INT is still available reflectively. share improve this..