java Programming Glossary: yesterday
Java Multicast Time To Live is always 0 that you should ask this because I just wrote about this yesterday I was having the same problem about 6 months ago. Basically..
Maven compile mixed Java + Groovy 1.7 project, using gmaven-plugin the GMaven plugin from org.codehaus.gmaven. Up untill yesterday we were using the old 1.6.0 version of Groovy never changed..
Why people are so afraid of using clone() (on collection and JDK classes)? correctly by a trusted library such as the JDK is OK. Just yesterday I had a discussion about an answer of mine that merely suggests..
Joda-Time: what's the difference between Period, Interval and Duration? e.g. this might be the interval between 20 00 00GMT and yesterday and 09 00 00GMT this morning. A duration in Joda Time represents..
What is the standard way to bundle OSGi dependent libraries? time to migrate to the newer versions I tested hsqldb 2.0 yesterday and it contains many api changes . One of the libraries I have..
Difference between volatile and synchronized in JAVA (j2me) f becomes visible to thread B when it reads f . I just yesterday had some code where a shared but immutable object is recreated..
Howto unescape a Java string literal in Java other function is a lot more work that one took me all day yesterday darn it. unescape_perl_string Tom Christiansen
Why does this go into an infinite loop? does this go into an infinite loop I'm a teacher and yesterday a student wrote the following code public class Tests public..
Interview question - Search in sorted array X for index i such that X[i] = i X i i I was asked the following question in my interview yesterday Consider a Java or C array say X which is sorted and no two..
Unicode equivalents for \w and \b in Java regular expressions? and More To deal with this and many other related problems yesterday I wrote a Java function to rewrite a pattern string that rewrites..
How to use classes from .jar files? the file and tried executing it since I came to know yesterday that .jar files can be executed by double clicking on them and..
Java Aspect-Oriented Programming with Annotations Thanks to any that can help Edit my original post from yesterday java aop share improve this question Let's imagine you..
What exactly is a Maven Snapshot and why do we need it? today might give a different file than downloading it yesterday. Usually snapshot dependencies should only exist during development..
Is there a proved mouseOver workaround for FirefoxDriver in Selenium2? User Actions API that was added in the 2.0rc1 release yesterday as it looks like you're using the Selenium 1 API still going..
Java GUI listeners without AWT I am learning full screen GUI applications. I was told yesterday that I shouldn't use AWT in my programs because it is outdated...
Why does f:validateDoubleRange only work for @SessionScoped? example I could come up with and is the same problem as yesterday just I hope clarified and simpler to replicate. edit I should.. this question I now see why I couldn't reproduce this yesterday. In my playground environment I had the following context param..
Which is better? Performing calculations in sql or in your application [closed] say I have the above table. I want to get the records for yesterday and generate a report by having the amount printed to cents...
How to create map tiles from OpenStreetMap offline, display it on Android? have a chance to actually run the code that I wrote up yesterday so I didn't catch a few of the errors. I just created a new..
What code folding plugins work on Eclipse 3.6? that Bartosz Kosarzycki has posted an updated version yesterday Sunday December 4 2011 http 2011 12 how..
An error occurred uploading to the iTunes Store - Please upgrade Java uploading to the iTunes Store Please upgrade Java Yesterday there were an update to Jave 1.6.0_31 in the Software update..
When to Garbage Collect the image. From what I can tell it works with no issues. Yesterday i decided to use a pretty useful piece of software called FindBugs..
Intellij IDEA Java classes not auto compiling on save IDEA Java classes not auto compiling on save Yesterday I switched to Intellij from Eclipse. I am using jRebel with..
Do we ever need to use Iterators on ArrayList? we ever need to use Iterators on ArrayList Yesterday when I was answering to question getting ConcurrentModificationException..
Thread Dump Analysis Tool / Method [closed] are not running my application code but JBoss's code . Yesterday I tried the Thread Dump Analyzer tool. The tool is definitely..
Java dynamic binding and method overriding dynamic binding and method overriding Yesterday I had a two hour technical phone interview which I passed woohoo..
Loop counter in Java API i 2 i 0 i micro optimized and faster hopefully Addition Yesterday I did a very basic test just created a 2000x2000 array and populated..
Java Aspect-Oriented Programming with Annotations Aspect Oriented Programming with Annotations Yesterday in a related but much more general post entitled AOP Fundamentals..