java Programming Glossary: uri
Java URL encoding best way to achieve this I tried URLEncoder and creating URI URL objects but none of them come out quite right. java http.. valid. The 20 is usually to be used to represent spaces in URI itself the part before the URI query string separator character.. used to represent spaces in URI itself the part before the URI query string separator character not in query string the part..
How can I enumerate all classes in a package and add them to a List? FullPath resource try directory new File resource.toURI catch URISyntaxException e throw new RuntimeException pkgname.. resource try directory new File resource.toURI catch URISyntaxException e throw new RuntimeException pkgname resource.. pkgname resource does not appear to be a valid URL URI. Strange since we got it from the system... e catch IllegalArgumentException..
Trusting all certificates using HttpClient over HTTPS A_WHOLE_BUNCH_OF_EXCEPTIONS HttpPost post new HttpPost new URI PROD_URL post.setEntity new StringEntity BODY KeyStore trusted..
Browser can't access/find relative resources like CSS, images and links when calling a Servlet which forwards to a JSP value pageContext.request c set var uri value req.requestURI c set var url req.requestURL c set ... head base href fn substring.. well You would like to make it relative to the request URL URI instead. So change like a href #identifier jump a to a href..
How to add hyperlink in JLabel . public static void main String args throws URISyntaxException final URI uri new URI http class.. void main String args throws URISyntaxException final URI uri new URI http class OpenUrlAction implements.. String args throws URISyntaxException final URI uri new URI http class OpenUrlAction implements ActionListener..
How to set HttpResponse timeout for Android in Java phobos performing get url HttpGet method new HttpGet new URI url HttpResponse response httpClient.execute method if response..
HTTP URL Address Encoding in Java http urlencode share improve this question The class can help in the documentation of URL you find Note the.. can help in the documentation of URL you find Note the URI class does perform escaping of its component fields in certain.. to manage the encoding and decoding of URLs is to use an URI Use one of the constructors with more than one argument like..
How are SSL certificate server names resolved/Can I add alternative names using keytool? to use the dNSName instead. ... In some cases the URI is specified as an IP address rather than a hostname. In this.. in the certificate and must exactly match the IP in the URI. Essentially the specific problem you have comes from the fact..
Populating child dropdownlists in JSP/Servlet three ways to achieve this Submit form to a servlet during the onchange event of the 1st dropdown you can use Javascript.. dropdown based on the selected item of the 1st dropdown during the onchange event of the 1st dropdown. No form submit and.. Javascript to fire an asynchronous request to a servlet during the onchange event of the 1st dropdown let the servlet get..
How to avoid Java Code in JSP-Files? core . E.g. displaying List Product in a table @ taglib uri http jsp jstl core prefix c ... table c forEach.. fn escapeXml is useful to prevent XSS attacks . @ taglib uri http jsp jstl functions prefix fn ... input type..
Browser can't access/find relative resources like CSS, images and links when calling a Servlet which forwards to a JSP EL so we need a little help of JSTL here. @taglib prefix c uri http jsp jstl core @taglib prefix fn uri http c uri http jsp jstl core @taglib prefix fn uri http jsp jstl functions c set var req value pageContext.request.. c set var req value pageContext.request c set var uri value req.requestURI c set var url req.requestURL c set .....
How to internationalize a Java web application? login.jsp @ page pageEncoding UTF 8 @ taglib prefix c uri http jsp jstl core @ taglib prefix fmt uri http.. c uri http jsp jstl core @ taglib prefix fmt uri http jsp jstl fmt c set var language value not..
Migrating from JSF 1.2 to JSF 2.0 contentType text html pageEncoding UTF 8 @taglib prefix f uri http jsf core @taglib prefix h uri http prefix f uri http jsf core @taglib prefix h uri http jsf html DOCTYPE html f view html lang en.. contentType text html pageEncoding UTF 8 @taglib prefix f uri http jsf core @taglib prefix h uri http
How to parse XML using the SAX parser content new StringBuilder public void startElement String uri String localName String qName Attributes atts throws SAXException.. inItem true item new Item public void endElement String uri String localName String qName throws SAXException if localName.equalsIgnoreCase..
JSP using MVC and JDBC Product which is made available by products . @ taglib uri http jsp jstl core prefix c ... table c forEach..
HTTP URL Address Encoding in Java of the constructors with more than one argument like URI uri new URI http booksearch first book.pdf.. booksearch first book.pdf null URL url uri.toURL or String request uri.toString the single argument constructor.. first book.pdf null URL url uri.toURL or String request uri.toString the single argument constructor of URI does NOT escape..
Html.ImageGetter TextView R.layout.activity_blog_view Intent intent getIntent Uri blogUri intent.getData mPost blogUri.toString mUrl getIntent.. Intent intent getIntent Uri blogUri intent.getData mPost blogUri.toString mUrl getIntent .getStringExtra.. intent getIntent Uri blogUri intent.getData mPost blogUri.toString mUrl getIntent .getStringExtra mUrl TextView textView..
Parsing query strings in Java parsing url share improve this question On Android Uri uri Uri.parse url_string uri.getQueryParameter para1 share.. url share improve this question On Android Uri uri Uri.parse url_string uri.getQueryParameter para1 share improve..
Is there a WebSocket client implemented for .NET? using System.Text public class WebSocket private Uri mUrl private TcpClient mClient private NetworkStream mStream.. private Dictionary string string mHeaders public WebSocket Uri url mUrl url string protocol mUrl.Scheme if protocol.Equals.. null mClient null private static TcpClient CreateSocket Uri url string scheme url.Scheme string host url.DnsSafeHost int..
How to select and crop an image in android? data if requestCode 1 if resultCode Activity.RESULT_OK Uri selectedImage data.getData Log.d IMAGE SEL selectedImage TODO.. photoPickerIntent.putExtra MediaStore.EXTRA_OUTPUT getTempUri photoPickerIntent.putExtra outputFormat Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG.toString.. photoPickerIntent REQ_CODE_PICK_IMAGE private Uri getTempUri return Uri.fromFile getTempFile private File getTempFile..
Delete SMS in Android 1.5 it doesn't work context.getContentResolver .delete deleteUri address and date new String msg.getOriginatingAddress String.valueOf.. private int deleteMessage Context context SmsMessage msg Uri deleteUri Uri.parse content sms int count 0 Cursor c context.getContentResolver.. int deleteMessage Context context SmsMessage msg Uri deleteUri Uri.parse content sms int count 0 Cursor c context.getContentResolver..
How to register some URL namespace (myapp://app.start/) for accessing your program by calling a URL in browser in Android OS? which basically means do not do this. Android defines a Uri syntax for describing a generic Intent. There are methods on.. reference android content Intent.html#toUri int So the way to do this is to use the normal facilities to.. an Intent that matches your component and use Intent.toUri to get the URI representation of this. This can be placed in..
How to render PDF in Android v File file new File sdcard example.pdf if file.exists Uri path Uri.fromFile file Intent intent new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW.. file new File sdcard example.pdf if file.exists Uri path Uri.fromFile file Intent intent new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW ..
Launching Intent.ACTION_VIEW intent not working on saved image file android.content.Intent.ACTION_VIEW intent.setDataAndType Uri.parse posterFile.getAbsolutePath image Activity getContext .startActivity.. than without it. And i am using the parse method on the Uri class and not the fromFile because in my code i am calling these.. at 5515 E AndroidRuntime 29187 at
Can anyone quantify performance differences between C++ and Java? of the safety of assumed GC heap allocation. Similarly Uri mentions virtual functions called virtual methods in most non..
Email from internal storage intent.setType text plain ... Uri uri Uri.fromFile new File xmlFilename intent.putExtra android.content.Intent.EXTRA_STREAM.. intent.setType text plain ... Uri uri Uri.fromFile new File xmlFilename intent.putExtra android.content.Intent.EXTRA_STREAM.. the mnt sdcard or implementation specific equivalent path Uri uri Uri.fromFile new File mnt sdcard .. .. getFilesDir xmlFilename..
Android\Intent: Send an email with attachment [duplicate] Attachment Error Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show finish return Uri uri Uri.parse file file intent.putExtra Intent.EXTRA_STREAM.. Error Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show finish return Uri uri Uri.parse file file intent.putExtra Intent.EXTRA_STREAM uri startActivity.. intent attachment share improve this question Try Uri.fromFile file instead of Uri.parse file file Also try text xml..
what is the use of MemoryFile in android
using checkbox to filter contacts and get phone number the contact list. private Cursor getContacts Run query Uri uri ContactsContract.Contacts.CONTENT_URI String projection..
Android - Update a contact context.getContentResolver Uri.parse r.getPhoto ByteArrayOutputStream image new ByteArrayOutputStream.. Cursor cursor if cursor.getString 5 null Uri contactUri ContentUris.withAppendedId ContactsContract.Contacts.CONTENT_URI.. Cursor cursor if cursor.getString 5 null Uri contactUri ContentUris.withAppendedId ContactsContract.Contacts.CONTENT_URI..