java Programming Glossary: servers
How and where are Annotations used in Java? oriented programming AOP e.g. Spring AOP Application servers e.g. EJB container Web Service Object relational mapping ORM..
Java HTTPS client certificate authentication client will try to do a complete SSL handshake with all servers who present a certificate signed by the CA identified by myca.crt..
How to Find Default Charset/Encoding in Java? ANSI Latin 1 UTF 8 in a legacy protocol. So all our servers run with this JVM parameter Dfile.encoding ISO 8859 1 Here is..
Real differences between “java -server” and “java -client”? unique performance characteristics of clients and servers. These differences include the compilation inlining policy and..
When best to use an interface in java implementations are provided as Java EE application servers Servletcontainers etc such as Sun Glassfish Apache Tomcat etc...
Can the JVM recover from an OutOfMemoryError without a restart cope with this situation. My experience is that some app servers are not designed to cope with this and that designing and implementing..
How do you enable JMX in Websphere? number will likely be 2809 2810 ... depending on how many servers there are installed on one system and the specific one you want.. open the Websphere admin console and go to Application servers server1 Administration Services JMX connectors to see if you..
Preferred Java way to ping a HTTP Url for availability to take into account that some poor webapps or homegrown servers may return HTTP 405 error for a HEAD i.e. not available not..
What is the best library for Java to grid/cluster-enable your application? [closed] is the ability to run your application on a cluster of servers with the intent to distribute the load and also provide additional..
LDAP Java library Good performance even with large and slow LDAP servers Support the main LDAP flavors AD Novell eDirectory etc. Can..
How to Ping External IP from Java Android local IPs that's my problem I want to do ping to external servers too. Here is my code private OnClickListener milistener new..
Migrating from JSF 1.2 to JSF 2.0 libraries see also JSF2 classloading issues in application servers . Update root declaration of faces config.xml to comply JSF..
How to modify the header of a HttpUrlConnection problems with the HttpUrlConntion . One thing is that some servers block a request if the user agent is a Java VM. Another problem..
File changed listener in Java a adapter for such a utility. For example j2ee application servers like Tomcat and others have a auto load feature where in as.. application restarts. You can use the libraries from such servers as most of the code of tomcat is reusable and opensource. share..
Why spawning threads in Java EE container is discouraged? If you simply start your own thread which I believe some servers will not even allow it cannot access other resources. What this..
What exactly is Java EE? The concrete implementations are the so called application servers like Glassfish JBoss AS WebLogic WebSphere etc. There are also.. it's in the Java EE API . Fullfledged Java EE application servers support it out the box but simple JSP Servlet containers not...
How are SSL certificate server names resolved/Can I add alternative names using keytool? I need to get a main server to communicate with several servers using HTTPS. Obviously we don't want to buy SSL certificates..
Integrating tomcat and eclipse as a hot-deploy environment the screen opens when you double click tomcat from the servers list start tomcat in debug mode It works perfectly for me that..
Error deploying Primefaces application on JBoss 7.1.0
How to force re-use of connections in jdbc pool? for use with connection pools provided by Application Servers or to be wrapped into general purpose DataSource s that provided..
Continuous Integration Servers [closed] Integration Servers closed My company is considering changing continuous integration..
Error: Servlet Jar not Loaded prior to project creation. You can do that through the Servers view assuming that you're using Eclipse for Java EE developers.. upgrade . You can also change it afterwards through the Servers entry in the project properties. Choose one which you'd like..
Expression Language in JSP not working that you've integrated the Tomcat instance in Eclipse's Servers view and that you've created a Dynamic Web Project set to Servlet..
Where can I view Tomcat log files in Eclipse? tomcat logging share improve this question Go to the Servers view in Eclipse then right click on the server and click Open...
Java - How to change context root of a dynamic web project in eclipse new URI. This is done by right clicking your server in the Servers view and choosing Clean. Then you start or restart it . Most.. . 2 Change Context root to app . 3 Choose Window Show View Servers. 4 Stop the server by either clicking the red square box Stop..
How do I import the javax.servlet API in my Eclipse project? in Eclipse Integrate servletcontainer in Eclipse. Open the Servers view in the bottom box rightclick there and choose New Server..
what does it mean when they say http is stateless optimizations and the data can be spread around easily. Servers using stateless protocols can scale very effectively so while..
Why tomcat server location property is greyed in Eclipse java eclipse tomcat share improve this question On the Servers view delete all the webapps published under your server right..
eclipse/tomcat: deploy doesn't work any more (ClassNotFoundException) 1521 In Servers tab I've Tomcat v7.0 Server at localhost Started Synchronized.. I tried to stop and start the Server from within Eclipse Servers tab What else should I check Thank you. UPDATE Despite now I'm.. I had automatic build disabled 4 delete server 5 delete Servers folder 6 restart Eclipse 7 create new server add project and..
http server in php this question Take a look at this article Writing Socket Servers in PHP by Zend Also give a try with Google http
Java ServiceLoader with multiple Classloaders URLs searched is the true solution to this problem. App Servers have quite a lot of URLs all by themselves not including the..
Java Memory explained (SUN JVM) to Improve the Performance and Scalability of Application Servers discussion of low pause collectors Performance Documentation..
Integrating tomcat and eclipse as a hot-deploy environment as well if all members are using eclipse add Tomcat to the Servers list in eclipse configure the Server locations option to be..