java Programming Glossary: sampling
Program to create a PNG waveform for an audio file duration seconds File file String fileName SamplingGraph samplingGraph String waveformFilename Color imageBackgroundColor new.. .getFrameRate duration milliseconds 1000.0 samplingGraph new SamplingGraph samplingGraph.createWaveForm null .. milliseconds 1000.0 samplingGraph new SamplingGraph samplingGraph.createWaveForm null catch Exception ex reportStatus..
how to convert or record .wav file in 16khz 16bit mono little-endian? or 2 . i need to convert the prerecorded file with any sampling rate with the 16khz 16bit mono little endian format in java....
Handling passwords used for auth in source code apply them . It would far over size my answer at last the sampling while other questions here on S.O. are already directed on the.. more appropriate and offering far better explanation and sampling on the implementation of each individual step. share improve..
Media Information Extractor for Java X height Audio channels Audio format Audio bitrate and sampling rate There are several libraries and tools around but I couldn't..
How to calculate the area of a java.awt.geom.Area? Addendum 2 Counting pixels may have performance problems sampling may help. If each Shape is reasonably convex it may be possible..
BitmapFactory.decodeStream returning null when options are set you have to create a new InputStream for the actual sampling of the image. Options options new BitmapFactory.Options options.inJustDecodeBounds..
LineUnavailableException for playing mp3 with java no luck Re encode the mp3 with different encode rates and sampling rates Try to use JMF Use random mp3 from the Internet that plays..
GC overhead limit exceeded overhead limit exceeded What is the sampling time JVM uses to throw 'java.lang.OutOfMemoryError GC overhead.. parameters GCTimeLimit and GCHeapFreeLimit but whats the sampling time java garbage collection jvm share improve this question..
If profiler is not the answer, what other choices do we have? of concept proļ¬ler that does not use yield points for sampling does not suffer from the above problems The conclusion of the.. tuning with instruction level cost derived from call stack sampling ACM SIGPLAN Notices 42 8 August 2007 pp. 4 8. share improve..
Take n random elements from a List<E>? x elements without replacement. java algorithm random sampling share improve this question Two main ways. Use Random#nextInt..
Android audio FFT to retrieve specific frequency magnitude using audiorecord the frequencies that have actual values. You need the sampling frequency to convert the array indices to such magnitudes to..
How do I investigate the cause of a JVM crash? is something that a profiler needs to call in order to do sampling. If you remove the profiler the crash will not happen. With..