java Programming Glossary: sa
PermGen space Error in tomcat Reconnecting due to failure to connect to QA sa localhost 11211 #Rops 0 #Wops 0 #iq 0 topRop null.. Xmx1024m in System Variables still I am getting the same error java.lang.OutOfMemoryError PermGen space again and again...
Error:The TCP/IP connection to the host has failed. Connection refused: connect jdbc sqlserver 1433 databaseName dbcm user sa password sa I've checked below things In SQL Server Configuration.. 1433 databaseName dbcm user sa password sa I've checked below things In SQL Server Configuration Manager..
Help me create a jTDS connection string jtds sqlserver MYPC 1433 Blog instance SQLEXPRESS user sa password s3cr3t Or if you prefer to use getConnection url sa.. password s3cr3t Or if you prefer to use getConnection url sa s3cr3t jdbc jtds sqlserver MYPC 1433 Blog instance SQLEXPRESS..
Class not found although particular jar is added in project (android to sqlserver without webservice) true @Override protected void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView.. void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.activity_main TextView.. Exception e e.printStackTrace tvData.setText e.getMessage Before that i was not having this line Class.forName javax.sql.XAConnection..
refering Tomcat JNDI datasource in persistence.xml maxActive 10 maxIdle 3 maxWait 10000 username sa password driverClassName org.h2.Driver url jdbc h2 ~ .myds.. version 2.0 persistence unit name oam transaction type RESOURCE_LOCAL provider org.hibernate.ejb.HibernatePersistence.. WebAppListener listener class listener Still getting the same error although I see the datasource in JMX console when I..
What is a IncompatibleClassChangeError exception in Java? Session session HibernateUtil.getSession session.beginTransaction c session.getTransaction .commit @param.. HibernateUtil.getSession session.beginTransaction c session.getTransaction .commit @param args public static.. session.beginTransaction c session.getTransaction .commit @param args public static void main String args..
how to configure hibernate config file for sql server property property name hibernate.connection.username sa property property name hibernate.connection.password lal property.. port database property property name connection.username sa property property name connection.password lal property property.. databaseName property property name connection.username sa property property name connection.password lal property property..
Sort ArrayList of Array in Java return strings 1 .compareTo otherStrings 1 for String sa listOfStringArrays System.out.println Arrays.toString sa prints..
Configure hibernate to connect to database via JNDI Datasource auth Container type javax.sql.DataSource username sa password driverClassName org.h2.Driver url jdbc h2 mem target..
Why does getRealPath() return null when deployed with a .war file? i outfile.writeln sports i String total sports i String sa total.split String sub new String outfile.write track cLf for.. sub new String outfile.write track cLf for int j 0 j sa.length j outfile.writeln sa j outfile.writeln sa j sa j .. track cLf for int j 0 j sa.length j outfile.writeln sa j outfile.writeln sa j sa j if j 0 outfile.write location..
Line-breaking widget layout for Android is first created. @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState LinearLayout.. void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState LinearLayout l new LinearLayout this LinearLayout.LayoutParams.. the left picture but I would want a layout presenting the same widgets like in the right one. Is there such a layout or combination..
Get heap dump from a remote application in Java using JVisualVM way to do it rmiregistry J Xbootclasspath p JAVA_HOME lib sa jdi.jar this uses port 1099 start 'jsadebugd' on the machine.. p JAVA_HOME lib sa jdi.jar this uses port 1099 start 'jsadebugd' on the machine in which application is running jsadebugd.. on the machine in which application is running jsadebugd pid of JVM On remote machine use following jmap dump file..
Declarative transactions (@Transactional) doesn't work with @Repository in Spring transactions @Transactional doesn't work with @Repository in Spring.. transactions @Transactional doesn't work with @Repository in Spring I'm trying to.. I've come across this strange issue with declarative transactions. They just doesn't commit if I autowire my DAO with @Repository..
How to initialize in-memory HSQLDB using script via Spring value jdbc hsqldb mem mydb property name username value sa property name password value property name initialSize value..