java Programming Glossary: retentionpolicy.runtime
Modify a class definition's annotation string parameter at runtime some value public static class Foobar @Retention RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME @interface Something String someProperty share improve this..
Create Annotation instance with defaults, in Java with all fields set to their default value . @Retention RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME public @interface Settings String a default AAA String b default..
annotations retention policy processing. Somewhat surprisingly this is the default. RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME Do not discard. The annotation should be available for reflection..
Why doesn't a missing annotation cause a ClassNotFoundException at runtime? import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy @Retention RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME @interface A import java.util. @A public class C public..
Why java classes do not inherit annotations from implemented interfaces? inheritance problem would occur. Example @Retention RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME @Target ElementType.METHOD @Inherited public @interface Baz..
Java Aspect-Oriented Programming with Annotations I first create an annotation LogExecTime @Retention RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME @Target ElementType.METHOD public @interface LogExecTime Then..
What are the similarities and differences between Java Annotations and C# Attributes? annotation interface with this for example @Retention RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME @Target ElementType.CLASS public @interface TraceLogging etc..
TaskScheduler, @Scheduled and quartz classes implementing the quartz Job interface @Retention RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME @Target ElementType.TYPE @Component @Scope prototype public..
In Spring MVC validation, Is it possible to show only one error message per field at a time? ElementType.FIELD ElementType.ANNOTATION_TYPE @Retention RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME @ReportAsSingleViolation @NotEmpty @Length min 2 max 35 public..
Error setting annotation value as Class<?> from a constant, why? is my annotation @Target ElementType.METHOD @Retention RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME public @interface AuditUpdate Class value By this way it is..
How to find annotated methods in a given package? called from installer's validation scripts etc. @Retention RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME @Target ElementType.METHOD public @interface InstallerMethod..