java Programming Glossary: redundant
paintComponent does not work if its called by the recursive function? and components and Swing should avoid processing redundant requests and wasting effort. Try your hands on this and ask..
Java error: Implicit super constructor is undefined for default constructor pattern . This works well but I don't like having the redundant constructor in the subclasses. It's more to type and it is difficult..
JSF 1.2 Exception Handling to this kind of problem Sorry for posting too many redundant questions i am new to JSF and i don't know the rules of StackOverflow..
The most sophisticated way for creating comma-separated Strings from a Collection/Array/List? even more clearly and efficiently by taking care of the redundant trailing comma StringBuilder result new StringBuilder for String..
Why did java have the reputation of being slow? [closed] to be big but is now small Java 7 optimizes away a lot of redundant bounds checks . Lack of arbitrary memory access can make some..
Use of class definitions inside a method in Java
Difference of Maven JAXB plugins O 2013 11 21 The repository information below is now redundant for plugin #1 because the plugin is already in Maven Central...
Java Interfaces/Implementation naming convention [duplicate] namespaces are self documenting and reduce all the useless redundant information in these really poorly conceived proprietary naming..
What is resource-ref in web.xml used for? in your Java code The resource ref definition seems a bit redundant to me and I can't think of when it might be useful. Example..
Android - SQlite Getting nearest locations (with latitude and longitude) sin values of lat and lng but is there any other not so redundant way java android sqlite geolocation share improve this question..
What optimizations can I expect from Dalvik and the Android toolchain? JIT produces Thumb code 16 registers for v7 Scheduling eg redundant ld st elimination for Dalvik registers load hoisting store sinking..
How assign bean's property an Enum value in Spring config file? the type of type anyway so the fully qualified name seems redundant. I must admit I'm guessing but spring generally doesn't subscribe..
Any reason to prefer getClass() over instanceof when generating .equals()? and then go in and remove the if obj null check. It is redundant since null objects will always fail instanceof . Is there any..
Getting mail from GMail into Java application using IMAP also has the username and password which seems redundant with the URL. Is there another way to specify the protocol I.. System.exit 2 This is nice because it takes the redundant Authenticator out of the picture. I'm glad this worked because..
Why would a static inner interface be used in Java? this question The static keyword in the above example is redundant a nested interface is automatically static and can be removed.. and public final on interface fields the modifiers are redundant and just add clutter to the source code. Either way the developer..
What's the difference between <?> and <? extends Object> in Java Generics? cases with generics where extends Object is not actually redundant. For example T extends Object Foo will cause T to become Object..
Creating new generic object with wildcard that specifying the generic type of a new object was redundant as long some generic type would make it a valid assignment argument...
Why is Multiple Inheritance not allowed in Java or C#? are resolved and whether duplicate bases are merged or redundant. Before we can implement MI in the CLR we have to do a survey..