java Programming Glossary: reducer
MultipleOutputFormat in hadoop java hadoop mapreduce share improve this question Each reducer uses an OutputFormat to write records to. So that's why you.. that's why you are getting a set of odd and even files per reducer. This is by design so that each reducer can perform writes in.. and even files per reducer. This is by design so that each reducer can perform writes in parallel. If you want just a single odd..
Accessing a mapper's counter from a reducer a mapper's counter from a reducer I need to access the counters from my mapper in my reducer... I need to access the counters from my mapper in my reducer. Is this possible If so how is it done As an example my mapper.. TestCounters.TEST .increment 1 context.write key value My reducer is public class CounterReducer extends Reducer Text Text Text..
Calling a mapreduce job from a simple java program job.setMapperClass Mapper.class here you have to put your reducer class job.setReducerClass Reducer.class here you have to set.. class job.setJarByClass Mapper.class key value of your reducer output job.setOutputKeyClass Text.class job.setOutputValueClass..